who is it? what happened? is there a problem? duke ellington. "things ain't what they used to be", recorded july 30, used record shop down on turk street. i was in there looking for some robert johnson. memories. memory lane or something. you mean frank who owns the bakery down the street? i certainly wouldn't. of course. there's obviously some mistake. i have a cousin who has had run-ins with the law. perhaps for his own reasons he entangled me in this. situation. clarence teal. your cough seems to be better. lieutenant. do you believe that story about robert johnson? that he made a deal with the devil at the crossroads? if you weren't family i'd kill you. you told antonucci that shit came from me. you fucking idiot! why do you think i use you?. to be a walking advertisement. not the fucking cop that showed up at my door! you don't want to know. god damn it! i still needed to case that fucking store. it's too risky to show my face now. leave town? they're going to know me in fucking des moines now!. they got over ten million in jewels in that place. that's freedom, man. i could go anywhere i want. it's not your fault you're stupid. you don't have to come here. alright, roper. you want to come. come. stay there. are you in charge, roper? i want a car. like a four wheel drive. i want it in perfect condition. i want a uniformed cop to drive it up right here. i want him to leave the engine running and walk to the end of the street. then we'll come out. i don't want any remote control devices in it. i know all the tricks. if it's not in perfect condition, and i mean if its even low on wiper fluid, i'm going to kill somebody and we're gonna start again. i want a plane waiting at the airport. i'll tell them where i want to go when i get there. for now that's all. no. you just do shit for me right now. i'll give you something. in fifteen minutes it'll be a bigger piece. i assume there are no "misunderstanding". drag them behind the counter. come here, hag. you're a brave one, aren't you? if she's not conscious when it's time to leave, i'll have to kill her. i don't give a shit about you or your fucking friends. you can't kill me like this. you gotta do something for me. this fucker, roper, he's gotta girlfriend. she works at the newspaper. i want you to take care of her. you gotta do this for me. i'm in here because of you. fuck you! you know what he did to me?!. he held a gun to my head and said he should kill me right then. he made me. you do this for me clarence. are you going to turn on me too? who helped you when you were strung out? who gave you money? who bailed you out of jail? nobody knows who you are. make it look like a robbery. dons a smug expression and takes a seat. he picks up his receiver as roper picks up his. what in the world are you talking about, mr. roper? i used to have an apartment, a car, jewelry. i had a fucking eight thousand dollar watch. now look what i have. you're threatening me? you think i give a fuck? you think you can scare me off? why don't you come in here and kick my ass? get some of your guard friends in here to help. i'd like that. he really shook you up, didn't he?. i've got ten years worth of appeals to figure out how to fuck with you. who knows? maybe some scumbag lawyer will get me out on a technicality. you came here to threaten me? that's a laugh. maybe you should beg me. go ahead. get down on your knees. no, no, see what i'm sayin' is, i've got the -- hey, hey, i got shit on the outside. i got somebody cashing it in for me and -- alright, alright, look, man, look, just leave me your card. i can get it to you by tomorrow night. pushing the cart. he stops. a guard stands with his back to korda. he's on the phone. got another load. all done. yeah? just tryin' to make a living. listen, can i just sign outta here? johnny hawkins. bail bonds. i gotta be over at county in fifteen minutes, alright? it's the criminal justice system. what can i tell ya? it's a mess. if you find him, gimme a call. is there a problem? i what? wait a minute, lemme see that. well, that's funny, i wonder how that happened. i got your lady, roper. you got something that belongs to me, and i want it back. twelve-fifteen, mare island, north entrance off dixon. building twenty- eight, by the dry docks. i so much as smell another cop, i'll be sending you parts of this bitch for a month. nice of you to make it, roper. take your jacket off, put it on the hood. now, over to the chains, to your left. but first, let's have a look under the tarp. pull it back. all right, move it. throw in and your piece. and your back up. walk under the cranes and down the alleyway. at the end, turn right. building thirty-six. right there, roper. come on in, there's someone just dying to see you. get your ass in here, roper. walk to the table. open your shirt. shut the fuck up and do what i say! open the bag, dump everything on the table. spread it out. show me something. not that one. i'm impressed. i didn't think you could do it. what did you have to do, steal them? that's not going to look too good on your service record. my sentiments exactly. fill it up. just in case there's a homing device in the other one. now bring it over here. that's far enough. bag on the floor. oh, shit, in all the excitement i almost forgot. she right here. no shit, this i gotta see. fuckin' cool, huh? i rewired the switch. you see, you have to keep your finger on the button or the little lady gets cut. right in half. but then, that's not my problem. you see, it's out of my hands. well, hate to run but i've got a plane to catch. you take good care of the little lady, hear? how careless of me. you see, there's only one way out of here, and you're standing right in the way. you could move, but then. sure hate to be in your shoes. bye, bye, cop. leaps up and fires, mccall taking a slug in his leg, knocking him to the ground. the slide to korda's automatic has kicked open, out of bullets. he drops the gun, picks up the bag and runs alongside the machine shop. clearing the building sees roper's pickup. he runs to it, jumping inside, finding the keys in the ignition. he starts the truck, pulling out, just as roper runs into view. speeds around the buildings and down the alleyways, whipping from side to side, trying to shake roper off, roper hanging on for dear life. you fuck!!! clears his eyes, looking up, roper is gone! he laughs hysterically. he knocked him off! suddenly sees the approaching dry dock. he jams on the brakes, but it's not enough, the truck racing towards the edge. screams in wide-eyed terror as.