donuts. that's what they say. same here. i've watched you in action. very impressive. i'm ready to do it. and i'm going to be here more than two weeks. sorry. habit. if you say so. only at the very end. like it had to be done. i've rarely shot anyone. i know. what's the point of this? i'm sorry about your friend. i had a friend in swat killed. i know how it can be. they recruited me. promised me fast advancement. national marksman competition. furthest point i could find from new york. spent my whole life there. i just wanted to get out for a while. been to toronto. my mother was born there. it was okay. you caught me on an "up" day. how about you? how did you end up in san francisco? is there something wrong with that? we could fill it with water. i'll take "highground" until swat gets here. i can get a good sight-line from that roof across the street. i know my job. swat is a lifesaving unit, remember? i just saved a life. yours. eighty-five percent of domestic disturbances of this nature end in murder. suicide. sorry. my mistake. i don't really like to drink. well, if i have to, i have to. why? you like my ass? i don't gamble. yeah, i've got a girlfriend. she's back in jersey. going to graduate school. she's going to come here when she graduates and then we're gonna get married. no, no, no. she's from hoboken. we see each other every couple of months. do you really? thanks for clearing that up. i hear your former girlfriend is going out with greg barnett. around. barnett's tough competition. i think i can handle that one. i think so. i'm officer mccall, what's going on? h. how can i help you? tell me what. i feel stupid talking to a dummy. no. my name's mccall. i'm a hostage negotiator. i'm here to help you. tell me what you need. i can't do that. is all the name calling necessary. so what do i say to this guy? what? bring somebody in so he can cut his nuts off? i'm not good at lying. it's against my nature. yes. thou shall have no other god before me. you tell me. yes. to save lives. my name's mccall. i'm unarmed. a dirtbag behind the counter holding a sawed-off. a berretta nine millimeter in his belt. a female hostage, red dress, on the floor in front of the cereal display. male hostage, jeans and blue checked shirt, three feet to her right. another male hostage, white pants, green shirt, nikes, laying in front of the magazine rack. a female dirtbag with a gun under her shirt, sitting against the beer cooler, trying to pass herself off as a hostage, and there's a special on toilet-paper, four for a buck twenty-nine. was that your partner? why did he do it? you're a compulsive gambler? i have two words for you. seek help. i do. fine. i'm told that newspaper photographer is your former girlfriend. now she's going out with greg barnett? i don't know why she'd pick him over you. i'm just practicing my lying. you're right. i'll never be as good a liar as you. the 6 horse is last. to run last? the 6 horse is still last. they need to run first and second? come on russell!. who the fuck's russell?! come on, russell! we won! we won. you want to bet on whether you won your bet? this is getting sick. how long you been coming here? is it always like this? this does not look good. police corruption. it's everywhere. the place is designed to be a vault. let him come out. too many unknowns in there. when we drive up the car, make sure it's at an angle about three feet from the curb. put our best man "highground", twenty degree down angle. there's your answer. he's smart. and doing a very good job of it. come on. give us one clean shot. they're out. they switched clothes. he's got the girl. suspect heading west on sutter now passing jones. can we get an intercept? what the fuck is going on. you're crazy. roper! put it down!. put it down man, we got him. come on. put it down. i'm here to help you. i'm here to help you. talk to me. where's roper? why is he up there? who is he? another negotiator is on his way. what about the doctors? i. i'm kevin. i 'm here to help you, d. dave. who's controlling your mind? this has nothing to do with walter. dave, look at me. tell me what's wrong. how can i help you with the particles? they have less power over you if you look into my eyes. we've been onto them for a long time. let me show you something. see this. i'm jamming them, dave. i'm jamming their frequency so they can't control your mind anymore. don't you feel that? you don't have to do what they say. you see, the particles are gone, they can't punish you anymore. tell him what, what do you want me to tell him? i'll tell him. where does he live. we'll get him on the phone right now. is that where you're family lives? noooo! give me a twenty dollar four-six exacta. then give me a fucking four-seven exacta. come on four horse! come on seven horse! come on four-seven. come on. come on. come on. bullshit! would it have happened to you? i thought i could do it. i was so damn sure of myself. but i didn't know what to say. the words wouldn't come. my mouth turned to mush. you make it look so easy, roper. but it is not. it's not easy. it's a different job than looking through the rifle scope. how many have you lost? and what about the ones you don't save? and what if you can't live with it? i don't know. i don't know. you sure you packed everything? maybe you forgot your bowling ball. scott. so what do you want to do? then we better get moving. but there's no way we can get the jewels out of evidence. mare island is an abandoned shipyard, cranes, high buildings. he'll be in place where he can see everything. how are we going to get me in there? right here, scott. stay cool, real easy. wait for the right moment, scott. oh, shit. all right, scott, bring him out. hold it right there. light's out, fucker. jesus! roper, move. what the hell's going on? what car? i'm okay. korda. went down the side of the building.