there's one for the front page. don't start. really?! he's a wonderful guy. he makes two million a year, and he worships me. you worship yourself. greg. you know what i think? i think you only want me now, because i'm with somebody else. i'm going out with greg tomorrow. oh, i've got to get a shot of this. just a minute. hey. a little late for that, scottie. he's asleep. jack daniels? maybe you should be. yeah. i'm sorry. about 4 months old. i'm working in a new style. you don't usually talk to anyone when you're hurting. scott, you can't save everyone. what do you want from me? don't try to make me feel guilty. the whole time we were together, you went out of your way to prove you didn't need me. now, suddenly, for one night, you need me again. i can't do it. i can't be more than your friend. because i know what will happen. in a few weeks you'll be back on top, and you'll shut me out just as soon as you don't need me again. if you did, you never showed it. they're on the table where you always leave them. scottie. take care of yourself. you weren't at the press conference. you got a bet on the game tonight? it's already started. good-night. greg is on a road trip. i was just going to make some pasta. no. the kind from kraft, with the macaroni and the cheese. and it's hard to get. just dinner. mmm, needs a little something. yeah that's it. scottie. i'd say you'd be miserable. it's not the gambling. it's what the gambling got in the way of. the track is where you'd take your troubles instead of sharing them with me. scottie, remember the day you lost that hostage in union square. you came over that night and we made mad, crazy love. but i didn't even know what happened. 'til i heard it on the news the next morning. it's not that world. it's your world. it's part of who you are. it's okay. we broke up. just now. how's paco doing? okay, dinner will be ready when you get here. it's very nice. there is? yeah? scottie, we should think this over before we. ohhh. a vacation. yeah that sounds like a great idea. in europe women find older men very sexy. i forgot to leave food for paco. he's probably starving. i'm sorry, paco. i forgot -- paco? paco? paco, have you been eating my face soap, again? what is it, scottie? and you think he'll. i don't think you're old and fat enough for me. i sent that ahead, wise guy. i think i'll stand out here in the sun. you've got to calm down -- tied to the lathe bed spread eagle. some distance from her body a cutting device is positioned over the lathe bed. scottie, scottie. scottie. i've never seen sea so blue. tahiti is magnificent, scottie. scottie? i've been thinking. things have been going pretty well between us, haven't they? you've changed you know. i don't think there's anything you can't do once you put your mind to it. i was just thinking. there's something special i want to talk to you about. i think it's time we went to a whole other phase in our relationship. a deeper level. that's right. we've got to bare it all. here and now. 'cause i think i'm finally ready to go for it. scott. the hell are you talking about? i'm talking about me 'n' you stripping down on this beach and gettin' you know. 'naked in tahiti'. you thought i was talking about getting married?! i'm talking about taking our clothes off, silly. you said you would. know what you are?! you're a prude, roper. prude.