come on. stay up there, cozy girl. dig in, cozy girl. roper go. i'm en route. e.t.a. in five. stay up there, girl. where's the damn wire?! shit! hi, kimura. where's the command post? a car. get 'em, he's going to start shooting hostages in five minutes. what's the suspect's name? hello, guys. do we have a profile on mr. earl? they're not usually graduate students. what's the rush? they haven't killed anybody yet this week? we got a guy who's probably on drugs. he's got a record of 459's and he was busted on possession. but he's never been busted on a major felony. what's his demeanor? i have to go face to face. you got 7 hostages in there, 1 of them's wounded -- we don't know how bad it is -- the guy ripped the phone out -- swat said he's got a gun to the head of a female hostage. if swat makes entry now, you're gonna lose 1 hostage, maybe 2. i gotta go in. maybe i can see what's going on in there. he's never offed anybody. his rap doesn't show any violence. we don't know how much time we have. if i can get in to talk to him -- maybe we won't lose anyone. we gonna stand here and talk about it or let the guy in there bleed to death. give me a dozen donuts. hi, earl, i'm scott roper. wanna donut? i ate the glazed but there's a bunch of chocolate and a -- i'm a negotiator, earl. i don't carry a weapon. i need to get something straight first. who's the manager? when did you start keeping longer hours? really! because i've been thinking of moving to this branch. it would be really convenient for me -- it's my job to see that no one gets killed, earl. including you. i'm getting it, earl, but we have to do this the right way. first i need you to point that gun away from -- what's your name? point the gun away from debbie. alright! but let's be clear about one thing. if you kill someone, i can't help you. the swat guys will take you out. not bad. last month, a guy robbed a bank in daly city. how ya doin'? cops gave him a car, and he lost them on the freeway. absolutely. bank robbers are generally your smartest criminals. he didn't kill anybody, though. this is gonna hurt. it's part of my negotiator's oath. if there's an injured party and i can help them, i'm duty bound by my oath to do that. you can shoot me if you want, but the next negotiator in here is going to tell you the same thing. i'll be right back, earl. point that gun away from debbie. give me your gun. i haven't had to shoot anyone in three years. because this strung-out junkie is too stupid to get out of this without killing somebody. as a rule, i need one hostage released as show of good faith. give me debbie. the old guy? what kind of show of faith is that? i want debbie. you're gettin' the car. you two, leave. that was fine, earl. now i'm going to get your car. oh, there's one last thing. you want a convertible or hardtop? hardtop. manual or automatic? you got it. ronnie, why are you torturing me? i can't live without you. this baseball player you're going out with. he's no good for you. i worship you. ronnie, forget this what's-his-name. did you know he's already got a bad knee? in another 10 years you're going to be pushing him around in a wheelchair. who cares what you think. i want you back and that's all that matters. let me take you out tomorrow night. pleeease. this greg is really getting in my way. please. i'm begging you. hey, that's my car. hey, baffert, what's the story for tonight? you're my hero. deal. tell him to give me a raise. what? depends. what's up? define concern. your concern is heartwarming. is that what the guy in the sunday school suit is doing outside? let me see that. tested high on his intellectual aptitude. not as high as me but. national marksman finalist. attended n. y. c. went to college. very impressive. f.b.i. sniper school. mayorial commendation. "additional skills": biathelete, marathoner, lip-reading, speaks spanish. great, send him to the marines. this guy's not a negotiator. he'll quit in two weeks. is there going to be an expression of your appreciation? the financial kind. i figure i'm going to be working extra hours. all sorts of overtime. training sessions. not to mention the extra stress. like ahh. i don't know. five thousand dollars. and a car. you know you've got nothing but cars down there in impound. the car is part of the deal. repoed this morning. and even if this doesn't work, i want all the money. these swat guys don't have the temperament. they don't have the background. hey, glad to meet you. i've heard nothing but good things about you. you've got a lot of hard work ahead of you if you want to be a negotiator. don't go reading my lips, man. that's an intrusion. save that shit for the sniper school. comprende? we're already past it, aren't we, kevin? you ever been in a hostage situation? how do you feel after a shooting. it rarely has to be done. swat is a lifesaving unit, you know. try to remember that. okay, "dead eye", lesson one. extract that pen cap without touching or moving the bottle. a little exercise in lateral thinking. the obvious solution isn't always the only solution. see you tomorrow. "phoney frank"? don't waste your time. he'd tell you his granny was in on the kennedy assassination if he could dodge a collar. yeah, okay. you worried about me, too? the chief's worried about me. solis is worried about me. maybe you guys should start some kind of organization. it's not me. it's her. she's going out with this baseball player -- greg barnett. fuck him. he swings at anything in the dirt. i could strike him out. yep, my rheumatism's been acting up. then he didn't say 742. he must have said 724 or something, because this can't be right. oh man! what am i, red foxx? i'm not riding in this shit. i can't roll in no shit like this. fuck the stereo. what's that smell? you want me to go up with you? good. i don't want to be late. you want anything on the game? it was warriors plus 6 this morning. get an ambulance! he said he was just going up to talk to him. he said. i want to be put on this case. i want to be put on this case. who's running it? who's running it! hey, hey, hey. anything on korda so far? i don't give a damn what solis said. if you get a lead, i want to know. hey yourself. came by to see troy. i'm not drunk. yet. you heard. can i come in? that a new picture? hey, troy. how ya doin' boy? he heard my voice. how's the good dog. i miss you buddy. you miss me? he misses me. i won't stay long. i had to talk to someone. it was my fault. i was right downstairs. i should have gone up with him. i've proved that, didn't i? oh, hell, forget it. this won't work. something i guess i can't have anymore. you think i didn't need you? ronnie. you expecting someone? this day just keeps getting better. i was just leaving. what do you got on korda? did you check out dmv for any vehicles registration? how about the record room for any incident reports? he might be a victim. we can get medical records. check with burglary detail and see if anyone else knows him, knows his habits. and what about bars? we can talk to neighbors to see what bars he frequents. you guys are doing good work. i appreciate your concern. let's leave it at that. i don't see much progress here. very nice. you get an "a". notice. no force required. no damage. so, mccall, how come you ended up in san francisco? recruited you from where? with your qualifications you must have had a lot of offers. why here? you don't like new york? you'd never been out of new york? how did you like toronto? you're a real excitable sort, aren't you? i grew up in oakland. crossed the bay bridge and here i was. so you're looking for "fast advancement". i'm not sure. roper. metro division. hostage negotiator. give me the short version. which apartment? how are we gonna get him out of there? have you evacuated anyone? is the hostage injured? well, there's a good amount of agreement on that. remember, quick draw, we're trying to limit the force here. i'm coming in. i'm not armed. i know how you feel, ray. i can't leave, ray. it's part of my negotiator's oath. once i'm in the room with the hostage, i have to stay. let me show you something, ray. holds it up so raymond can see it. same thing happened to me, man. she cheated on me, but i forgave her. you know why? because i was partially to blame. i wasn't around as much as i should have been. i forgot how to love her. ray, think about how she looked when you married her. think about how happy you were. don't lose that, man. don't give up everything. ray, if you walk out of here with me, i'll get you a job. i can't guarantee you what it will be. but i swear on my life, i'll find you work. not for you, ray. for me. a close friend of mine was killed this week. the way i figure it, i stop you from doin' what you said, i'm one up on body count. my name's scott roper. noooo!! who the fuck do you think you are? do you think because the police department issued you a sniper rifle, it makes you god! what the fuck goes on in your head? you think i've never had a gun pulled on me?! you think every fucking time someone pulls a gun they use it?! not the ones i'm at. come on. let's go for a drink. you have to. it's a tradition. you got a girlfriend? better than your pool game. you wouldn't want to put a small wager on this, would you? you living together? explain how that works. she grow up in livingtston, too? oh, "city girl". don't you ever long for companionship with her such a long way away in new jersey? every couple of months, huh? that's a lot of commitment. i admire that. no. actually i think it's fucking crazy, i don't know if i could do it. where did you hear that? yeah, well that's a sore subject, and therefore out of bounds to a young sprout of a hostage negotiator under my tutelage. lesson two, "dead eye". should have been lesson one. never exchange yourself for a hostage. yeah, you think so, but it comes up. zack, another round. my partner gave himself in exchange for a ten year old girl. he got caught in the crossfire. two dead. my partner and the bad guy. weird thing is, if he was alive, he'd probably do it again. some people never learn. you think you can learn, mccall? what did you think? i'm going to let you practice on real people? first things is, don't say, "what's going on?" everybody knows what's going on. i come into this situation, i say, "i'm glad to see nobody's hurt. that's good. i'm here to help you." second: you hesitated. don't hesitate. if you're thinking, talk while you're thinking, or else he's going to think you're plotting. which you are. if he thinks you're plotting, you're going to make him nervous. you don't want him nervous. got that? it'll come. try again. how are you going to help me? i need you to bring me the scumbag who ran off with my wife so i can cut off his nuts. then get out of my face you worthless piece of frogshit. nah, i just throw that in because i enjoy it. you could say something like, "tell me what the scumbag's name is. maybe we can work something out." if you want to be a successful negotiator, you've got to learn to lie. get good at it. you know the ten commandments? what's the first commandment? okay, forget that. what's the main one. thou shall not kill. you've killed, right? why? so why would you hesitate to lie to save lives? let's try it again. okay, stop. close your eyes. what did you see? very good. you've got good eyes. that's important. because he knew the little girl had zero chance of survival and his chances would be a little better. we had a plan, but swat opened up too early. he got caught in the crossfire. let's move on. notice this. always use the eyes to keep the connection. it almost like hypnosis. that's the most important thing. create a connection. you're always on their side. you know why i like the track? because there are a multitude of possibility's. everything is there to see if you know what to look for. you have to read the conditions, just like in a hostage situation. see the four horse. dropping in class. no works. front wraps. looks like he's broken down. but notice the woman in the sun hat. she's the owner. she wouldn't have come if her horse was broken down. he's live. we use him. see the favorite? tail up. washy. he doesn't want to run today. cross him off. now the six looks good. on his toes. coat shiny. this trainer. jockey combo does well. we can't leave him out. what do you think? i have three words for you. ex-ac- ta. i bought you a four-six exacta box. you owe me twenty bucks. how you doin', marv? we need the 4 and 6 to finish to first and second. ronnie. yeah, so. so what do you want?. an autograph. still needs work. okay, we're in good shape. we're in good shape. that's okay. that's his style. to run late! the favorite's fading. i told you he wasn't going to run today. the four horse has got the lead! he'll be running at the quarter pole. there he goes. yeah, first and second. come on, russell! come on, russell. the jockey! we lost. how much you wanna bet? yes! that's eight hundred bucks. about six years. my partner took me. occasionally you lose. roper here. i'm on my way. we gotta go. see this. solis has me driving the shit-mobile, and he picked this up straight out of impound for fourteen grand. probably worth thirty. what do we got? any verification on numbers. what have you promised them? any good points of entry? my name's roper. how are you people doing in there? solis is off the job now, joe. i'm the guy authorized to give you whatever you want. that's right, but first i need to come down there to talk to you. yes, i do. that way there's no misunderstandings. i need to make sure no one's hurt, then we can take care of business. good. i won't be armed. we gotta operate on trust here. we're going to wrap this up and have you guys out of here as soon as possible. i'm going to put my hands down, okay. yep. is that all? you'll get it. but, joe, i want you to do something for me. let me take a look around inside. make sure everybody's okay. joe, i'm doing a lot for you. i think you could give me something to cement the deal. one hostage. i understand you completely. we're going to have to take this guy out. i believe there's at least one fatality in there already. the fire alarm was probably set off by gunfire. i believe he's working alone, both from his conversation and the fact that he wouldn't come out beyond the doorway. he was holding a gun on the hostages while he was talking to me. his demeanor is calm and controlled, that's what really scares me. the other bad news is that he also indicated a familiarity with our techniques. so, do you want to go in or wait for him to come out? there is some good news. he's wearing a ski mask, so he's protecting his identity and hasn't determined to kill all the hostages. yet. okay. time to give this fucker a call. this fucker's not answering. he's cutting down the visibility. it's korda. hold your fire! hold your fire! shit! where'd that shot come from? hold your fire! damnit! are these yours? come on! i don't know, but i've got to get on there. pull up alongside. leaps to the brake lever. pulls on it. sorry, go. give me one reason why i shouldn't kill you right here. you know sam baffert was a friend of mine. he had a wife. and he had a daughter. what if you and me got into a struggle. and my gun went off? could i kill you then? could i kill you then? we do this shit by the book, but you ain't gonna be smiling. i wanted to get this out of the way. as a matter of fact, i do. i was going to catch the last half on tv. you having dinner with mr. baseball? that kind with the garlic and the oil that i like so much? i've been craving that stuff all week. what do you think? what are you talking about? this is it. this is the stuff right here. well, maybe just a pinch more sugar. why don't you just stick your finger in and stir it up. what would you say if i quit gambling? it's because i wanted to keep you away from that world. veronica, it's not easy for me. i don't know if i can change overnight. but what i'm telling you is that i want to share everything with you, because i don't ever want to be without you again. what about greg? what are you gonna tell him? when? hi, i'm going to stop at the corner for some wine. he was going nuts at the park. he met this very attractive poodle. they made plans to meet again next weekend. you okay?! stay. shut the fuck up! get on your radio and get the police here. if you try again to hurt me or anyone i know, i'm going to have you killed. here's a picture of your cousin clarence. that gentleman standing over him is the coroner. you motherfucker, i swear i'll kill you! whata ya got? can you get a net out here? mccall! mccall! where are we going? it might have happened no matter who was up there. maybe. there's one thing you have to remember. you don't create the situations. you can only try to save people from them. that it is. i look at it as how many i've saved. that's the way you've got to look at it. you live with it. and they haunt you. it doesn't leave. you've got to decide that for yourself. i've lost three. one of them was my partner. i think about them every time i go into a situation. there's a million people in this city with all kinds of twisted shit going on in their heads, and the bitch of this job is that we expect to go out every day and do the impossible -- to somehow control all this craziness. and we can't. nobody's faulting you for this, mccall. my advice is you let yourself off the hook. let's get out of here. it has a nice "nose". that's my favorite. why don't you give us a minute. you like this place? i guess you realize that there's something special that i want to talk to you about. for the last week things have been going pretty well between us. i think we've been doing a good job getting intimate and all that stuff. let me just show you. tahiti. oh you thought i was going to ask you. oh, no-no-no-no-no. let's go to tahiti first and see if that works out. i assume you're having your usual -- the "air dried venison". how come in those foreign movies the young girl is always with some fat, old guy. when i get old and fat, i'm moving to europe. damn, my eyes are tired from reading that movie. korda escaped. hey, i'm on edge a little. let's relax. i'm sure he's just going to try to get out of town. anyway we leave tomorrow. why don't we do some of that european movie stuff. use your imagination. why don't you come back up with me, ronnie. it's better if you stay inside. ronnie, come on baby, we gotta go. time to get movin'. ronnie? ronnie, where are you? time to go. ronnie. she's gone. that son of a bitch. if he. he's fucking with you, scott, be cool. keep your head. he's gonna kill her no matter what. if i take him these jewels he's gonna kill me and her. that's a chance i gotta take. frank, this guy is a psychopath and he's got ronnie. it's the only way i'm going to get close to him. they'll never approve it, you know that. besides, i involve the department and she's dead. i got one chance with this guy, frank, alone. he killed sam and he'll kill her. what if it were mary? you'd break every fucking rule in the book. wouldn't you? i owe you one, frank. good question. korda! reaches the the chained area, revealing an empty dry dock, easily one hundred feet deep and five hundred long. where the hell are you, mccall? shit. where are you? where is she, korda? i want to see her. i'm not wearing a wire. this is just between you and me. satisfied? it's all there. only the jewels, korda, you've got my word. right there, the one in front. yeah, that one. toss it. yeah. i'll worry about that. let's get on with it. i've kept my end. ronnie first. be cool, ronnie, i'm gonna get you out of this. mccall, stop him, stop the car! turns toward mccall's position. mccall! mccall, shoot the son of a bitch! holding his position, eyes widening in fear. thrown to the floor by the explosions, releasing the button, as. staggers to his feet, grabbing the control box, pressing the button. nothing happens, the lathe still turning, sparks coming out of the box, it's shorting. only a few more seconds. pulls the last of the restraints away. it's all over, babe, it's all over. stay here, don't move. do it! exits the machine shop, seeing mccall on the ground, korda nowhere in sight. combat-style roper runs to mccall, dropping to his side. mccall, you all right? stay put. with the truck accelerating towards him he raises and fires, two bullet holes in the front windshield, missing korda, the truck still speeding towards him. roper's gun jams. roper leaps, sliding forward on the hood, almost falling as he grabs on to the empty window frame and the windshield wiper blades for support, his weapon flying from his hand. give it up, korda, you got away with nothing! nothing but a bag of shit! it's all fake! go on, you stupid fuck, look at it! it's all shit! a hundred dollars worth of glass! in the maelstrom lets go his grip, grabbing the upper frame of the window and assisted by the speed of the truck, rolls over the top of the cab, landing in the bed of the truck along with boxes, lumber, and trash. lands in a huge pile of cargo nets and cardboard boxes, piled near the edge of the dry dock. yeah, i could get used to this paradise shit. i'll have another pena colada. and this time could you shave the ice, please. hmm? hmm? yeah. a deeper level? whoa! wait a minute, ronnie. hold on. i know it's beautiful here. the sun, the sand, the sea and all that nature shit can really get to you. but we've got to keep our perspective here. this place isn't real. this isn't reality. i mean i said this trip should be a 'roadtest'. i'm talking about. what are you talking about? you talkin' about gettin' 'nekked?' shit, i thought you were talkin' bout, you know. the "m" word. you crazy? with all those people around? the hell i am! first you want me to put on one of those skinny ass bathing suits -- tongs or thongs or whatever you call them -- with my butt cheeks wrapped around a piece of dental floss. no way.