he just walked into my office. the chief says, "good work this morning. congratulations." he says, "thank you very much." i'll discuss it with him right now. good-bye, chief. roper. are you going to make this hard for me? there's been some concern about you continuing to work without back-up. what if you die and no one can do what you do as well as you do it? it's been decided that you take on another partner and train him to be able to take over for you. his name's kevin mccall. every metro captain agrees that he's their top sharp-shooter and most likely to succeed. you let us worry about that. what kind of appreciation are we talking about? what do you think would be in order? okay, i think i could swing that. hey, you just got a five thousand dollar raise. get a car of your own. impound isn't a rent-a-car company. what happened to your trans am? i'll provide you with transportation. let's move past this, gentlemen. then you'll have to excuse me. i have other work to do. roper. about the transportation issue. you check with the impound sergeant. yes sir. every resource will be brought to bear. we will find this guy. yeah, he's here now. i'll tell him. the chief says to tell you how sorry he is. he knew sam baffert was a good man. i can't do that. you know i can't assign you to this. you're much too close to it. you were much too close to sam. the department will take care of it. roper. kimura and glass will head the investigation. scott. go home. get some sleep. we've had this conversation once, roper. you're not active on this case. it's in everyone's best interest. we're working on that, joe. these things aren't quite that simple. this will take time to setup. i'll have to get authorizations. okay, you relax, and i'll -- 32 minutes ago the silent alarm went off, then the fire alarm. a unit was a block away, and the suspect got trapped inside. we've only seen and talked to one suspect. he calls himself "joe". there's two jewelers, two salespeople, the manager, a security guard, and an elderly woman. this particular store is where they do a lot of jewelry making and repair. they have anywhere from 8 to 10 million in raw stones on any given day, so they sure as shit didn't just wander in. they knew what they were coming for. just that i'd talk to my superiors. can't we wear him down? i feel this thing going sideways on us. yeah, they are but. roper, what are you going to do? don't take my. car. we got a situation at the v.a. hospital. the responding officer has requested a negotiator. he's on his way. get over there.