put your guns on the table. if we wanted you dead, you would no longer be drawing breath in miami. we wouldn't have brought you all the way here. i run down the numbers. nothing is very negotiable. small loads? we pay three thousand a ki. we pay your fuel costs up front plus ten percent. the next ten percent on u.s. landfall. two, three thousand a ki. two thousand ki's, your end is $6,000,000. complex transshipments or dealing with containers, these have front- loaded costs we pickup. for this kind of weight, the balance of 80% is when our buyer picks up the load. transactions are offshore. dollars or euros. secure internet transfers. we have lists of cayman and isle of man banks infiltrated by irs, to be avoided. no transactions of cash or other banking instruments take place on u.s. soil. that's the deal. you do. right now. we want it back. what's the recovery? how much are you looking for? what's "nothing"? "future" of? give them the shipment on the seventeenth. maritime. jose will fill you in. and what is that? what do you like to drink? how fast does that go? show me? the wind whips her hair behind her, now. the two are small against the smooth 50' long hull. crockett hands her wraparound shades for her eyes. she doesn't want them. bodeguita del medio. it's the only place for mojitas. off a little alley with cobblestones. hemingway went there. havana. are you afraid? good. and you don't need a visa. cause you're with me. my cousin is the harbor master. you must not bring in drugs. you cannot be armed. if you're carrying, it has to go. or stow it inside. no one will go near your boat. i never do business in cuba. and nobody goes to cuba but me. and he is not my husband. angola. my mother was being a surgeon there. she volunteered. mozambique and mali, too. . those days, in those days. she was part of cuba's gift to the third world. she came from a bourgeois family with a house in verdado. we still have the house. we will go there. she's dead. angolan military. went back to the fighting. disappeared. who knows? i am no one's wife. i live in my own house. i do not live in a man's house. he has a wife. we are together. i am free. because of banking and finance and travel. and i can do anything i want. sees this. she's quizzical. crockett looks back at her. their eyes connect. later! do you dance? my aunt. she's ancient. she looks after the place. this was my mother's family's home. tell me everything. i insist. blanca. a rubio like you. i see her in a dress. an old photograph from lucinda somebody's wedding. everybody is with couples. husbands and wives. they all pose. my mother is alone because my father had to go back to the fighting. . she looks right into the camera. she is the most beautiful woman in the room. by herself. in a party dress. and she looked like she knew she would die alone. she spoke many languages. we were in luanda when she died. i went to her friends in mali. they sent me to the ecole polytechnique in geneva to study mathematics, where i met montoya in the discos. he had banking there. i was seventeen and very much into the clubs. and he sent me to university for an mba in finance. your mother? to mothers. and all that we owe them. "probable". applies to an event that may be real. doesn't apply here. that's right. exactly. enters. she touches his back. he turns to her with a smile. like? and why should continuing excellence cost more? is it december? did christmas come early this year? good samba dancing? 'cause you don't lose loads? and you're our thirty-percent partner? the range should be between fifteen and seventeen-point-five percent of the p.o.e. to even consider it. available cash is not an issue for us. what if i pushed to twenty-one? maybe i'm only one. and now i make you breakfast again. 90- and 120-day futures with shorted canadian and us dollars. and we're looking at nigerian crude. transshipped to a malaysian container ship. they've been targeted. and pakistani registry is too vulnerable to search and seizure right now. burnett? they want 22% of the value on loads they run into south florida. it's the juarez cartel model. they guarantee the loads. the upside is our risk goes to zero. that frees-up capital. my "intuition"? my intuition made him breakfast the other morning in havana. they're serious. they're cautious. they'll forgo a deal over a technicality of how a delivery's handled. they'd walk away, rather than compromise operational security. that's good. a good deal, like this with us, for burnett will be good only temporarily. he'll get restless because he believes nothing is forever. life is dust, make it while you can. he's ambitious. i think jos suspects anybody he doesn't intimidate. and people, who are good at what they do? they have egos, too. i like the diminished risk. it frees up capital reserves. i like working with self-interested businessmen who are competent. you can predict their behavior. hola, viejo. don't stop, bad man. i forgot the napkins. what's the best fortune you ever got? in kowloon, once, i got one that said, "live now because life is dust." why? do i need it? 'cause whatever can go wrong, will? really? when? would you find me? where would i go? is this the protective male talk? and if i were in the comoros, in the indian ocean, where would you be? would you? because if you couldn't, i would be very lonely. i would have left the only world i know and have known since i was seventeen. but none of this will happen. so it doesn't matter. because we are on the guajira peninsula. and all you see around you. look around. is archangel de jesus montoya- londono. he is my man. and you are a smuggler moving a load. i'll be on board by noon. that sonofabitch! of course! that is why i placed myself here, with you, knowing yero would pull this crap. it's all bullshit. jesus is out of communication in fals de iguazu. jos knows that. whatever he's going to do, he has to do it fast because he's acting on his own. and he will need a story. they will kill you. and then they will kill your wife, too. maybe. maybe with the crazy whites. if they attack you. runs from cover into the clear with her handgun firing at the crazy whites, furious at the betrayal by yero. she's shouting in spanish. it's insane. thinks this is it. she's dead. swat, shotguns and assault rifles, approach. stares at him. incredulous. for the first time she realizes he's the police and has been undercover. and now she hits him. what are you going to do with me? are you taking me to jail? you think i will turn into your informant, is that it? i know. and now? you said time is luck.