maxin' and relaxin'. backup in case the russians get physical. skin has to touch skin. that's the requirement for the warrant. then he makes a credible excuse and he stops. her crew blackmailed and asset- stripped the last mark down to his social security. so? damn, girl. this is exciting. cooool. if a coupla new exhaust manifolds show up. he did volunteer one time. to backup switek. but only if it gets lethal. why? and there's dmitri. hello, miss ukraine. you bet your partner? what is it? stevens? i'll try francine. c'mon. bobby g. the firefly we used to have on alonzo stevens' bentley, check if it still runs; if so, launch air support. locate the bentley. i don't know. we haven't worked with him for six months. haitian, dominican, russian, israeli? oh, good. what the hell did you do? alonzo. alonzo, you don't need to go home. they lied. yeah. quarter mile away. we see the lights. we know these people! c'mon, man! white gangs is tweakers and a crystal meth lab in a trailer park. bounce around the old lady saturday night and get your recidivist ass busted back. break your encryption? hack your e- mail? employee databases? somebody on the inside? as in, your ass is dead in the water. reverse undercover? we supply to them? aryan brothers are not going to change-up suppliers. so. track with me, here. they knew the "russians" were undercover feeb? they should have no-showed. but, no, these guys show anyway, and commit murder upon federal officers. and steal all your money. what does that say to you? so? i was the kids' godfather. "and" what? and the answer is "yes." before she met alonzo, once upon a time, a long time ago. you bet it was personal. sal maguda. oh, yeah. yeah? okay. only jean-louis and i do the talking. comme on dit. que faisons-nous? de qu'a-t-il l'air, fou! nous voulons tous votre drugs. hey, nicholas, my ace. wha's up? we got idle all of an instant. you got something from somewhere that's got to go someplace, somewhen, which is not too distantly in the future? so lay it out, my brother. and we didn't come down here to audition. business auditions for us. . and know who we are and know they want their load run by us before nicholas calls. you wearing a wire? people gonna walk into this place and say, "ola, hijo! that some crazy wallpaper. whew. it wild! is that a jackson pollack?" so we can close each other's eyes right now. real easy. real fast. but, then, nobody makes any money. slow and low, adam a-500s. . carbon composite, stealthy, 1400 nautical-mile range, thousand ki payload. all the way to caravels and 727's from a source country to a transshipment point. small freighters. we've done containers. what kind of weight? what you get from us is a date. a place. "in the parking lot of a jack-in-the-box in north miami." at such-and-such time, an eighteen- wheeler will be there. keys in the ignition. ready to roll. you pick it up. and you drive it. . away. and violence is extra. and expensive. so how much weight you looking to move? what happened to the last transporter you had? do we need this? then what were we talking to you for? what do i care what you think about how he looks? you wanna fuck my partner or do business? sonny can wait. anything? what do we got? reality tv and stay by the phone. that's what all wives-in-crime do. where we meeting 'em? five minutes. they watching us watching them watching us waiting for them? or what? that's it. we'll have room service wipe up the furniture. and bring drinks. define small. watches. his cell's signal strength indicator steps down to zero. checks out the first suburban's uplink satellite dish on a hydraulic mast. the rear's converted into computer equipment sitting in ruggedized racks. thank you. who did we just meet? you okay? you sure? nothing. calling to say hi. what's up with you? okay. see you soon. what flowers? there a note? what's it say? we're on our way. so why don't you. meet the plane. good idea. we'll grab a bite. even if they could run the identities you built to epic, all they'll find is more cover. trust what you built. it's quality, girl. we're cool. to the limit. like? no. you gonna give me phony reassurances? good. so let's go. heads up. arrete! arrete! freeze! et vous, mo-fo! this the load you lost a while back? whatever you want. like we said, we're not into violence. you don't like us finding your load? we can go and lose it all over again. how much we looking for? and as an investment in the future. it's yours cause what's yours, is yours. and what's ours is ours. . like the second ten-percent, which is now due, yero, my ace. conveyance? lay it out. can i talk to you for a second, partner? secure satellite comms. encrypted e-mail, the longs and lats for the transshipment point. all that? it's all cool. but i need a vector, not a location. 'cause ships move. that's why they call them ships. ship stops? it's trying to be an apartment building. at sea that attracts attention. that's bad. where the hell are you, man? the meet with castillo and the fed got set up. it's in 45 minutes. where'd you go? where? verdado where? havana, cuba? where you're makin' a move on the wife of archangel de jesus montoya? you're not makin' a move on her? oh, that makes it okay, then. his operations are kingpin size and first-class. his security is ex- eastern bloc, ex-sas and israelis. their comms are satellite uplink with mainframe encryption, significant sig int and in their zones of activity, they have signal- jamming capability. and what does that level of spending on first-class, private- sector infrastructure signify to you? their loads are poly-drug. "e" from holland, methamphetamine precursors from jordan, afghan "h." mid-ocean transshipments. his real business is: he's a network. so we want to change-up the mission statement. he's talking to you, bro. what he means to say is he is reluctant to abandon the penetration of a major narcotrafficking organization. chill out sonny. with sonny. 110%. what is going on?! there is "undercover." and there is "which way is up?" i am asking. you to me. i would never doubt you. uh-uh. no predetermined places and times to meet. give me their heading and radio codes and i will talk to them directly with the longs and lats and time which will be a last minute deal. at ten to three on the 27th, i will satellite page him with a website and encryption code. he will have ten minutes to log on and receive his new heading. ten minutes and thirty seconds, website disappears and he can drive his fucking boat up to iceland. importation value? at twenty-two thousand a ki. and jos, my ace, lots of transshipment. lots of action. skies are crowded. and the jit has assets on land, air, and sea. so any intel you got that can come our way and contribute to the good and welfare? what's the point? it's going down. yeah. whatever. you set this up! meaning? they'll kill gina. hello? they're proving it's right now. and that she's alive right now. smell. bad smell. trailer. she's allergic to diethylene. she in a meth lab? she's sending a message. meth lab. trailer park. anything with interesting antenna arrays? trudy and i are goin' for gina. asian star. rips long-hair through the door, down the stairs, where two swat slam him into the ground. he struggles. a baton slams twice across the back of his neck. he's out. handcuffed, and tubbs and trudy are in the interior. hold it!! prepares for the autistic son, not seeing behind him. puts his coat over gina. as she half leaves, turns to the fallen ab. he's dead! fires the m40 grenade launcher loaded with shot. dark-haired nlr is nearly cut in half.