you're hoping to get a look at what? it's up in central park, taking a leak. if you hurry, you'll make the supper show. now get lost. hi. hello? morey? hi-ee, honey. i'm just out of breath, honey, running to catch the phone. i was walking baby. him got to do him goody-goods, right? oh god, oh stop. i can't stand that. i just die. it's baby, morey. him trying to say hello. say hello to morey, baby. okay, old goosie? now lookie, when do you want me to meet you? whatever you say. i'll take a nap, watch tv, you know, kill time. okay, but just one, a big wet one. ye gods. zip this thing, will you, tex? oh, poor you. morey's got terrible ulcers. hers'n zodda meg a livig. said, a person's gotta make a living. scuse me, hon, fraid i'm only half here. maybe you oughta run on along. but why don't you take this phone number? darn! i didn't get to the bank -- tex -- could you let me have a little coin for the taxi-waxi? you're such a doll. i hate money, don't you? god, it's been fun. you bastard! you son of a bitch! you think you're dealing with some old slut? look at me! you think just cause you're a longhorn bull you can get away with this crap? well, you're out of your mind. i am a gorgeous chick, thirty-one, that's right, you said it!