the room has little to recommend it except its size and large french window, through which -- ignored by joe -- the mutual tower flashes mony. towny waves joe toward the couch, quickly slipping several physical culture magazines from the coffee table onto a shelf beneath. the coffee table is littered with empty cartons of chinese food, soaked through with brown sauce. joe finds the last egg roll and eats it as towny's voice drones on. towny is stretched out on the couch, staring morosely. joe's face is puzzled then angry as towny takes a saint christopher medal from his sack and hands it to joe. his eyes are looking past joe, his speech out of sync. joe's voice is angry. towny's shrill little whisper says. joe is about to hang the dead receiver on its hook when on sudden impulse -- he shoves the small end of the receiver into the toothless mouth of the man on the floor.