y'all,line up and take your turn.
yeah, where's that joe buck?
yeah, where's that joe buck?
know what you can do with those dishes? and if you ain't man enough to do it yourself, i'd be happy to oblige.
say, look, uh, i gotta have a word with you, if you got a second.
don't guess. just come for my day's pay owing and to tell you i'm heading east.
lotta rich women back there.
men, they mostly faggots.
well, ain't no use hanging around here.
i got me two hundred twenty-four bucks of flat folding money.  he know what he can do with that chicken-shit day's pay. and if he ain't man enough to do it for himself, i be happy to oblige!
tough tiddy, ladies, you had your chance.
care to get out your yardstick, gentlemen?
this is a powerful mothah, ain't it?
plenty more where that came from.
i only get carsick on boats. but seems to me that's more the fish smell than the bouncing.
yeah, hell, yeah.
you throw in sister rosella and you got a deal, right, old timer?
going far?
i'm bound for new york city.
ever happen to come across a cowman name of woodsy niles? friend of my grammaw sally buck.
nice talking to you, old timer.
jesus goddam christ, i ain't laughed so hard since i was out at fort benning, georgia.
what? oh, hell no. motor pool mostly.  kee-rist.
up yours, lady.
goddam if i came to this town to write postcards.
beg pardon, ma'am, i'm new here in town, just in from houston, texas, and looking for the statue of liberty.
joking? no, ma'am. oh no! i mean business!
you sure are a pretty lady.
no, ma'am, i'm not.
beg pardon, ma'am. i'm brand spanking new to this town, come from houston, texas, and hoping to get a look at the statue of liberty.
the statue of liberty.
say, cass, i, uh, sure have enjoyed being here. believe it's as fine a time as i've had in my life!
that's good, it is, cause, well i guess i didn't tell you why i came to new york, did i?
don't know what line morey's in, but myself now, fact is -- i'm a hustler.
beg pardon, ma'am?
you sure you heard what i said?
funny thing, you mentioning money. i was just about to ask your for some.
hey. hey, cass. did you think i meant that? christ, would i be asking you for money with a wad like that riding on my hip?
hey. you are a gorgeous-looking piece, cass. guy gets horny, just looking at you. it's a fact. how much you need for that taxi? ten? twenty? there you go.
oh, it ain't cheap. i mean, yeah, i'd say this was an all right shirt. don't like to, uh, you know, have a lot of cheap stuff on my back.
shee-it.  kee-rist, you really know the ropes. wish to hell i bumped into you before. i'm joe buck from texas and i'm gonna buy you a drink, what do you say to that?
same all around! for my friend, too!
 you see what i'm getting at here? she got a penthouse up there with color tv and more goddam diamonds than an archbishop and she busts out bawling when i ask for money!
for money.
i'm a hustler, hell, didn't you know that?
i think you just put your finger on it, i do.
hey now, you heard him.
hey, listen, how about you take me to mee this mister o'diddle bird right now?
hold it, just hold it. you think i'm that kinda sombitch? just name your cut, whatever you want, you got it right now. five? ten, how's that?
ten, ten -- i got a twenty -- take that.
now take it. go on. listen, where can i reach you? cause i'm gonna make this right with you soon's i get me set up.
i mean, dammit, where you live?
no sir, i'm no cowboy really, but i'm a first class stud.
you bet i do, sir.
well, not too, i mean, a little.
yessir, i can see that.
well, uh, i'm raring to go.
uh, yessir.
ready for anything.
gonna be like money from home.
get down -- where?
say, you know that runty little bastard i was with?
well, now, ma'am, next time you got that feeling coming on, you dial joe buck. i'll show you what to do.
uh, what about my things'n all?
listen, tell you what, you can keep all the rest of the goddam junk if you let me have just the suitcase. that suitcase means a lot to me.
screw off.
any objection, gentlemen?
shuttle. follow the green light.
alright, cowboy. enough of this shee-it. you know what you got to do? then go do it.
i'm awful damn sorry you're sick, kid, but you gonna have to gimme that money like you said.
what you got in your pockets?
how much's that worth?
oh, i ain't gonna hit you, i'm gonna strangle you to death.
 only first i'm gonna turn you upside down and shake you out right here and now.
what's in your socks?
it's sticky. what you do, slobber on 'em? i wouldn't touch 'em.
you want some free medical advice, shut your goddam mouth about that night.
shee-it. i got better things to do than talk to you.
listen, keep away from me, hear? you come near me again, i snatch you bald-headed!
you inviting shee-it.
comfortable, kee-rist, i slept on subways softer than this.
smart thing for me to do is haul ass outta here.
you don't seem like no fag.
want me to stay here, y'after something. what y'after?
okay. i love you.
where's my boots -- ?
what for?
well now, ratso, i'm gonna tell you something for your own good, only first gimme a cigarette.
you want me to stay here tonight, is that the idea?
oh. guess i got the wrong impression.
well, i hope you know what you're in for. i'm a very dangerous person. someone does me bad like you. if i caught up with you that night, there'd be one dead ratso long about now. hear?
so if you want me to hang around for a few days, i thought you should know.
property of the ymca. you make me wanna puke sometimes, ratso.
shee-it, man, i can't say all that.
rico! rico! rico! is that enough? and keep your meat hooks off my radio.
hey, looka here, that ain't nice, picking on a cripple.
this is an okay setup you got here, but i'd say you ain't just exactly, uh, flush, is that right or not?
i think finding you's the smartest thing i ever did, for both of us. you just the crooked kinda sneaky little sidewinder i need to get me hustling in this town. hey!
what's all this sweet talk about florida? your friend o'daniel got a stable down there now?
well, i am dumb, that's for sure. i don't talk right. i can't think too good. just only one thing i ever been good for's loving. women go crazy for me. fact. crazy annie. had to send her away. so i don't cash in on that, what am i? i'm shee-it. may's well flush me down that hole with the dishwater.
that's why you gonna stop crapping about florida and get your skinny butt moving to earn twenty bucks worth of management you owe me.
you talk like a man with a tin twat.
well, uh, my manager's gonna manage all that crap, or else he gonna get a coconut up his flue.
hey, you're good! i bet you could pick up a living at this if you tried.
kee-rist, you pretty damn clever for a skimpy little gimp.
don't rush me. how i do it, see, i get myself primed, like i was turning on the charm for some pretty little blonde lady, then kinda mosey away slow and easy and - swing around! -- and there you are, you handsome devil.
what i'm gonna do, i'm gonna make a cowboy outta you, kid. how about that? build you up a little, teach you couple little tricks'n turn y'out to stud, rat-stuff.
okay, you got yourself one handsome, sweet-smelling cowboy, strut your stuff.
i want my money, goddamit, you owe me my money whether you get laid or not, lady, shee-it!
shee-it. cough yourself inside out, then light a fag, a goddam fag. you make me puke. where'd you steal it? in the movies?
who'd you ever do a favor for? you just let some poor bastard freeze to death, wouldn't you?
forty-second street. where'n hell you think it come from?
wear it yourself. i wouldn't put it on my back.
go get your medicine. before you die on my goddam, hands.
kee-rist, you sure are one twisty little bastard, ratso.
respect shee-it! you even steal flowers for his grave.
well, uh, he dam well know he ain't 'be-loved aunt winifred'.
my grammaw sally buck, she died without letting me know.
just ain't right, cheating someone dead and can't cheat back.
you wanna read something, read this. i been invited somewhere.
they picked me. the only one in the whole goddam place. you see how they looked me over, up and down before they give me that?
well, this thought just struck me. it wasn't too long ago i was washing dishes way the hell somewhere in texas.
now i'm here. i'm in new york city. getting picked for things. don't you see what i'm driving at?
did i say that? did i? it don't say nothing about you.
but they picked me, right? so what i'll do, i'll just say, now look, you want me? well, i don't go nowhere without my buddy here.
better dry your hair some. you sweating all over the goddam place.
you got a comb?
few dozen cooties won't kill me, don't guess.
better get a hold of someone and tell them i'm here.
well, i made it. this here is ratso rizzo and i.
shee-it, this is one helluva party!
yeah, oh yeah.
well, i ain't a f'real cowboy, but i'm one hell of a stud!
tell her, ratso.
well, if you're awright, why you hanging on the bannister. can you walk or not?
sure you're all right?
whoopee ti yi yo!
well, that's something never happened to me before, you can bet your bottom dollar. uh, where's the matches, ma'am?
first goddam, time it ever quit on me. fact.
you think i'm lying!
i ain't sleepy.
what? it's a perfectly good word, ain't it. how much time i got? goddam sand thing drive you crazy. kee-rist. spelling never was a very strong point with me. even in school.
talking helps. don't talk, you get muddled in your head. hey! now you just look at this here!
m-o-n-y -- i'm right! that's just exactly how they spell it up there on that big building, bet you could see it from here. m-o-n-y.
y -- what in hell starts with y?
cut it out. that's cheating, teasing me so i can't think. just one bitsy y word and i gonna beat you!
beat your butt, you don't lemme think!
i show you what problem --
well, lemme think now, thursday, eight-thirty, yeah, i guess i could be available. hell, yeah.
see what you think of that crap. i'll pour your soup. got some of that junk you like to swill, too. mentholatum. aspirin. all that shee it.
they wrong?
you couldn't lift fly specks from a sugar bowl. can you hold this?
and what?
what of?
okay. here it is. you gonna go see the doctor. i got nine bucks and twenty more thursday and i gonna be riding high before you know it. so you gonna get you the best goddam doctor in this town and get yourself straightened out, that's what.
well, just exactly what the hell you think you're gonna do? die on me?
you know what's wrong with you? you got fevers. you kinky as a bedbug. how you gonna get to florida?
just when everything's going my way, you gotta pull a stunt like this.
when i put you on that bus down to florida tonight, that'll be the happiest day of my life!
hey, shirley.  miss who? oh, yeah, well, when will missus gardner be home? .  i'm a friend of hers, a goddam good friend.  shee-it, i can't wait till then.
gin's okay.
well, he is, he's sicker'n shee-it. and i've gotta get him south quick as i can.
what d'you want?
what you got me up here for?
you want me to leave?
i'm going to florida.
listen, i gotta have money.
i gotta have more'n ten. i gotta have fifty-seven dollars.
get outta my way.
let go. let go of the table.
you wanna gimme fifty-seven dollars or you wanna busted skull?
please let go of that table.
these guys're good drivers.
how'n hell a dumb bronx kid like you know that?
shee-it. you believe all you read?
if you have to shiver, why don't you pull the blanket up more?
keep the goddam blanket on.
sounds like they knew you.
hey -- whatsa matter?
you're what?
hell, don't cry about it!
you just -- just -- what happened, you just had a little rest stop wasn't on the schedule.
hey, what size pants you wear?
couple crullers'n coffee to go.
new york.
i'm zipping your fly, what the hell you think i'm doing?
shee-it, you know, i got this thing all figured out, ratso. i mean rico. when we get to miami, what i'll do, i'll go to work. i gotta do that, 'cause see, i ain't no kind of a hustler. i ain't even any goddam good as a bum. i'm a nothing, that's what i am. so reckon i'd better go to work and get me a goddam job. okay?
yeah, guess that's what i'm gonna do.
dead. dead as a doornail.
close them?
no, sir. not till miami. i'll see to burying then.