you must be joe buck. come in. am i tickled to find you, boy! come on in and let's get a look at you. turn around. good strong back. you'll need it. so you want help -- take a seat, relax, tell me about yourself. cowboy, huh? take it,easy, boy. seems to me you're different than a lotta boys that come to me. most of 'em seem troubled, confused, but i'd say you knew exactly what you want. but i'll bet you got one thing in common with them other boys. i'll bet you're lonesome. i'm lonesome. i'm lonesome so i'm a drunk. i'm lonesome so i'm a dope fiend. i'm lonesome so i'm a thief, a fornicator, a whore-monger. poop, i say, poop! i've heard it all and i'm sick of it, sick to death. lonesomeness is something you take. you bear? dammit, you take it and go about your business, that's all. yes, i believe you are. cowboy, huh? ready for hard work, son? i got a hunch, joe buck, it's gonna be easier for you than most. money from home, see, there's your strength, you put things in earthy terms any man can understand, son. i warn you i'm gonna use you, i'm gonna run you ragged! you're a wonderful boy. you'n me gonna have fun, dammit, it don't have to be joyless. say, why don't we get right down on our knees now? right here, why not? i prayed in saloons, i prayed in the street, i prayed an the toilet. he don't care where, what he wants is that prayer. that's the ticket, just open your heart and let it flow. it ain't the words, it's the love beyond 'em! pray and you shall be heard! don't be frightened, son! don't run from jesus!