i can tell, can't you? what'll we do? leave now or what? your place or mine? oh god, the second i looked at you i knew. did you? who's he? oh god! don't tell me you two are a couple -- ? it's too much -- to come face to face with a walking talking sex fantasy -- to buy a man's -- god! it's fantastic, now i know, everything you do has sexual implications. if i you know, bought it -- could i take pictures of you naked? that's part of it, isn't it, kinky kinda things? naturally i'll have to ask myself why a cowboy? and why a cowboy whore? but not tonight. incidentally, how much is this going to cost me anyway? sold. let's go. get lost. your name's joe. which is fabulous. joe could be anyone. kiss me, joe, move over, joe, go away, joe. it's just perfect. he fell. hey, fella, you fell. is he all right? he's got taxi fare. top drawer. maybe if you didn't call me ma'am, things would work out better. no. of course not. just something struck me funny. maybe we should take a little nap, see what happens? i know. scribbage! that's pretty freudian, joe. if you didn't talk so much, maybe you could think more. there's an e in money. if that's your word. okay. never argue with a man. it can end in y day, pay, lay -- hey, pay lay! you gonna beat me, joe? gay ends in y. fey. you like that -- gay fey -- is that your problem? well, i really can't talk now, if you know what i mean, but believe me when i say, myra, it's an experience every emancipated woman owes herself. i'm not. i'm not exaggerating. well, what's phil's poker night? joe -- are you available next thursday, eight-thirty? why don't you just come here? i'll be working every night this week. i'll leave a key with the super.