you're an american? ah yes, america! my name is ahmet. i studied philosophy at harvard for many many years. but actually oxford is my real alma mata - i've also studied in vienna. now i study here. they put me here. they say i raped a little boy. i have been here very long time. they will never let me go. they won't let you go either. no, they'll never let you go. they tell you they let you go but you stay. you never go from here. you see we all come from a factory. sometimes the factory makes bad machines that don't work. they put them here. the bad machines don't know they're bad machines, but the people at the factory know. they know one of the machines that doesn't work. i think we have spoken enough for today. i say good night to you. good morning, my american friend! there will be trouble if you go this way. a good turk always walks to the right. left is communist. right is good. you must go the other way. it's good. why you go? why don't you walk the wheel with us? the bad machine doesn't know he's a bad machine. you still don't believe it? you still don't believe you're a bad machine? to know oneself is to know god, my friend. the factory knows. that's why they put you here. you'll see. you'll find out. later on you'll know.