erich and billy who watches repelled as max fumbles with a piece of twine tied around his arm in a tourniquet, searching for an unused spot amid dirty infected track marks. plunges the needle in, pumping in the black gunk. glances at billy. yesil moves forward. unctuous. bubbling with high spirits, profusely shaking billy's hand, exuding confidence in fractured english, max - silently walks over and gently picks up the corpse in his arms, starts to walk out. max and billy, trying to follow the map, look at each other dubiously. billy walking down the aisle bypasses max int he kiyis, rolling on the floor, still screaming in turkish. billy, on the inner track, passes two lunatics who are walking counter-clockwise. they glare at him, motion for him to turn around. billy just keeps walking. billy stops and turns to look at ahmet at the base of the stairs. billy carries on up the stairs. billy has no particular expression on his face. reflective, staring at the money; he looks up.