smoke this rocket, it'll cool the pain. you gotta walk around some man, or your feet gonna swell up something bad. you've been out for days man, talking all kinds of shit. come on, we'll walk you down to the courtyard. getchmis olsun olsun - "may it pass quickly." i'm bell, jimmy bell. this is erich something swedish. yeah. only the room service is lousy. come on, let me show you the tennis courts. 'figgers. hamidou. chief of the guards. don't fuck with him. he almost killed an italian dude couple months ago. bad news. he try anything with you? with these fucking turks, soon as the light goes out. i keep one hand on their feet and their feet better not grow. you'll meet max. he got raped something bad down in section 13. that's the pits. little fuckers are thieves, rapists, pickpockets, murderers, you name it - they do it. don't trust any of 'em. they tell ziat everything. he's the squeal round here. goes all over the prison. sells watered- down tea, blankets, hash, black money, nembutols --anything for a buck. he was an informer on the outside but he tried to screw the cops out of 60 kilos of opium. watch him, he's a fox. whatcha' in for, smuggling? rash? history, man, history. how much? where? could be ten or fifteen. maybe even twenty. twenty fucking years, man - years! i figger ten at the least. yeah, what do you think this is, the good usa? this is turkey, man. ) it's a fucking accident here if you're innocent. and anyway. . ain't nobody who's innocent. sure, keep dreaming and see where that gets you. like max, up in the head, you know. you gonna eat a lot more fasoulia beans, billy baby, 'fore you taste a hamburger 'gain cause you broke the law man, and you got caught. and that. is history. the law is never wrong, asshole. the law is! the blueprints! the prison, man. there was this german cat an architect in the hospital. he was helping the turks build some shit round the place. i laid some bread on him and he let me copy them. there's two ways out i figger - over the roof, but that's only one person, maybe two. the other way is under. it's already built! there's a basement substructure where they used to keep weapons and stuff, but beneath that there's these old catacombs that the christians built 'bout a thousand fucking years ago to bury their dead. we're sitting right on top of it -- here. the kraut said there's a whole bunch of hollow sealed shafts sort of like dumbwaiters running along this wall; one of them is right in there, right next to our shower. we get in there, he says, we can get down into the catacombs. with three of us working. stop shitting me, man! hey! i'm getting this together man and i don't need no fucking gastro-head along on this trip! we go through the wall. the kraut was right! i checked it out - there's no reinforced steel in those bath walls. they're real soft from underground seepage-- --the water like "'weeps" through the cement, see. twenty, thirty years, you can almost push it over. all we do is use gastrohead's screwdriver here and scrape the mortar out. pull out 2, 3 stones, squeeze through, put 'em back, and get our ass down the shaft, it's a two night operation, maybe three. the catacoombs? whaddya want, a door? there's miles of em like a sewer system but they got to come up someplace in istanbul. hey, you know what's gonna get us out of here? it's not a map, max. it's our balls. you know what i mean. . i gotta get laid man, i don't know 'bout you guys, but if i don't get it on soon, i'm. i'm not gonna make it. billy? well fuck it! choose your own death, babe, i'm taking the roof out of here! allah fuck off! asina covaciml. omina koyden your sas! and besides that i fuck allah and i fuck your muslim mother too. you got that, shit face? asina. we gotta take a chance and do that one next - then pull out this one - just jiggle it, scratch it out, loose nit up, it's soft real soft! what? i told you, i told you you cock- suckers! you didn't believe me. want me to take over? let's go! haps, railroad, bus timetables? what? don't make me laugh. nah, just covered with batshit! the fuck are we? what the fuck we gonna do? count me out. who ever heard of anybody sneaking back into a fucking jail? billy, wake up! they found it! ziat!