billy! don't worry about it. i can punch you in the nose later. right now we've got to get you out of here. you all right? bad. she couldn't make the trip. you know her boy. susan told us before we got your letter. she's fine; she's trying to get the money to come back and see you, but. same. none of the neighbors know. we told them you were in a hospital in europe. oh. this is stanley davis. he's the american consul here. and necdit yesil, the lawyer you wanted. right! that's what we're shooting for. mister davis and have been in contact with the state department, but right now relations with the turks aren't too good, nixon's upset the hell out of them. our best bet's. right here. don't worry about it. right now money doesn't count. okay? where'd you get that limp? the hilton. well, it's an interesting place. tell you the truth, i think the food is lousy. the crap they sell in these little restaurants. i went out to eat in one of them last night, and i had to run to the damn toilet. you shoulda' seen the toilet. yeah, with real toilet paper - and you don't have to use both sides. so now i'm eating at the hilton every night. why'd you do it, billy? i know you kids smoke that stuff, and we drink booze, but taking it across a border - it was stupid, billy. stupid. four years! with good time billy it works out to about 3 years. then there's the appeal. yesil, davis, they're all working for you we're going to try to make a deal to get you transferred to a stateside prison. and davis thinks there might be a political amnesty any month. look - i know it sounds tough, billy, but we're gonna get you out. i promise you, but i don't want you to get stupid again. pull anything. they can play with your sentence. there's food, candy, writing paper, soap, books. . cigarettes, soap, tooth-brush, there's. jesus! i been writing insurance policies on people for thirty goddamn years. and now i gotta see my own son. jesus! jesus! if i could be where you are billy, i'd be there. goddamn jesus! these bastards. oh jesus! you take good care of my boy, you hear, or i'll have your fucking head, you turkish bastard!