and you ate two baclavas, right? i not to touch them, mine was awful. are you all right? d'you see this? janis joplin died yesterday. overdose, in a hollywood motel. never was anybody like janis. you can't take anything seriously. jesus, they do everything ass backwards in turkey. billy, what's the matter? no! what is it? . . . billy? billy? oh my god! billy, what have they done to you. my god! billy, your family is fine. senator buckley just made a special plea on your behalf in the senate. newsday has written several big articles about you. they've called you a pawn in the poppy game between nixon and the turks. the letters are coming in, billy. people care. billy - you'll just make yourself crazy. oh billy, billy, i wish i could make it better for you. please don't. don't. yes, billy? oh billy. billy! don't give up. please don't give up. you'll get out. i know you will! billy, your father gave me this for you. there's pictures of your mom and dad. rob. peg. and there's pictures in the back of your old mr. franklin. remember him. from the bank? he's over in greece now. he bought a ticket. i'll give it to them for you. you were right billy don't count on them, you hear, don't count on anybody but yourself! if you stay you'll die billy! get out of here. get to greece, you hear me?. billy?