i think these gentlemen have finished for the time being if you'd like to put your clothes on. you decided to fly at a bad time billy palestinian guerrillas all over the place blowing up planes and all. four planes in four days. but i guess you kids don't read the newspapers. and what with our people kicking up a shit storm 'bout the flow of heroin from turkey you got. well, you see billy, it don't really matter right now if it's 2 kilos or 200 kilos. the turks love to catch any foreigner smuggling - it shows the world they're fighting the drug trade. just what? something like that. cigarette? how much you pay this joker. this cab driver? how much did you figure to make? beats working. got a family back there? what's your father do? be tough on 'em. girlfriend? lucky girl. let's hope so, billy. let's sure hope so. you seem like a nice enough kid to me billy, but try it and i'll blow your fucking brains out.