mo sell. too late. tomorrow. you be here tomorrow. "ayi gedjaler" brack!. brack! you, goddamn you, give me sheet. give me! no! is good! me good shit. yeah! efe big shit. jaaaash! cat, ah! ayip! look, you don't fuck with me, i don't fuck with you, right? i make special tea for you, hiyes, okay? we've to live like brothers. we have to be in here together. you 'merican. you don't know. was. . seven years old. i was on street in suk. buy. sell. no family to take care. i learn. dog eat dog, hi-yes. you fuck other man before he fuck you. and you must fuck last. you 'merican. you don't know. work, work, work, that's all do fine. good. man to man. we fight now. and when finish i bring hamidou and he kick you fuckinq ass. from max. help me! guards! help me!