on your tail! let's roll! any excuse for a party. let's take these beasts!! mastodon! hold it. bad move, willard! stega-stinger! coming through! target neutralized? guys! there has to be something we can do. what?! if ivan ooze isn't stopped, nobody will survive. so how do we get back? he's gonna make it, guys. we need our powers!! that's gotta be a frog. show off. maybe if we had more time. what does that mean! the frog silently assesses its target, then strikes out. in the blink of an eye. we did it!! i am the frog, quick as lightning! where are we?! hang on, angel grove. it's good to be back. ninja frog zord! somebody back me up, here! high power engage! we've got him locked! he's on us!! billy, that's brilliant! we can't break free!