lead on, flyboys. who's up for lunch? i heard that! the eagle has landed. anybody see anything? makes two of us. saber tooth tiger! activating power beam! hey, handsome! my mistake. what's happening to him?' alpha. is there any way we can defeat this monster? any way at all? if we don't try, zordon won't survive! how can we reach phaedos? billy!! welcome to beautiful downtown phaedos. you know, meeting zordon. teaming up with you guys, it's the best thing that's ever happened to me. kind of bossy, isn't she? is this. food! so how can we get to it? excuse me? ah. sure. ah. thanks. yeah, right. just kidding. wow. sand. stylin'! girl, you've got to be kidding me. i've never been this sore in my life. that's pretty bad. whadda we do now? the bear is sturdy as a towering tree. nothing can uproot it. bye, bye birdy. it's up to you. we've come all this way for a rock wall?! not that kind of power. i am the bear, stalwart and bold! what happened?! what does that mean?! release the power with the power. alpha?! what?! ninja bear zord! the bear kicks butt! our semi-conductors are down! 1600 m.p.h. and increasing! -- and kabooom -- he's space dust! desperate times call for desperate measures. taking care of business. bull's eye!