ay, yi, yi, yi, yi ! our thermionic-sensors have been hit by a cataclysmic surge of evil! in a place that came to be known as angel grove. to assist you i have retro-fitted your helmets with new opti-scan devices. hey, nobody enters the command center without a power coin! well. almost nobody. hi , yah ! welcome to wiener world. may i take your order, please? you put your left probe in, you put your left probe out, you put your left probe in and you shake it all about. you do the hokey- pokey and you turn yourself around. i'll get you my pretty, and your little dog toa!! i do not like green eggs and ham! i do not like them, sam-i-am! ah-ah-ahhhh-choo!! thanks, billy. perhaps there is a way. i have heard tales of another power. they say that somewhere beyond the hyperion constellation there exists a mythological power that is beyond all comprehension. as the legend goes, the power is impossible to obtain. it's far too dangerous. zordon would never allow it. ay, yi, yi, yi. the legend speaks of a master warrior who lives on the planet phaedos. this is the only person who knows the secrets of the power. zordon's going to have my orbicular spheroids when he hears out about this! this is an emergency reserve of morphonic emissions. it should be enough to get -you there. there is one problem. i only have enough reserve to send you phaedos. i can't bring you back. you'll have to pray that the legends are true. you're sure you want to do this?! the rangers share purposeful looks. be careful!! ay, yi, yi, yi. they're doomed!! ay, yi, yi, yi! the filamentary transistors have malfunctioned! why you low-frequency, battery operated -- i told them it was too dangerous, but they wouldn't listen. perhaps if i could locate a vertical-deflector then i could assemble a holographic-comlink. by bouncing ultra-high frequencies off one of the network satellites, i can send a long-range pulsar signal to within two feet of the rangers coordinates. let's give it a whirl. ai, yi, yi, yi, yi that should do it. we won't be able to hear them, but they should be able to hear us. here goes. ay, yi, yi, yi! rangers. i'm afraid you're too late. zordon. he's gone. he's alive! he's alive! ai, yi, yi, yi, yi ivan s ecto- morphicon machines are leveling the city! go, rangers! go, rangers! go, rangers! go! ay, yi, yi! the rangers are going to be crushed! hooray, power rangers!! everybody say cheese.