how did this happen?! ivan ooze is free?! we are all in mortal danger! let' s go. they're called squirbs. add a few dried weevils and you'll never know the difference. what do you know of the great power? it is said that to those who possess the power. all things are possible. in another time, another dimension. it was brought here long ago by the "nathadians", a people who are now all but extinct. they built an impenetrable stone monolith to store the power and keep it from their enemies. for thousands of years, beings from all over the universe have tried to obtain it. all have perished. the only way to obtain the power is to achieve the highest state of being. by learning the ancient art of ninjetti. it is the genesis of what you on earth have come to know as the ninja. it is the perfect union of mind, body and spirit. you don't understand. if you do not have the ninjetti, the power will destroy you. to reach the monolith we must traverse the neola jungle. we will train today, and set out on foot tomorrow. snoggle, you watch your language! he wants to know if you'd like a cube of sugar in your tea. in the language of the nathadians, "nin" stands for "man", "jetti" stands for "animal". ninjetti - man and animal, together as one. now, put your hands inside the flame. it will not harm you. now tell me. what do you see? aisha, you are the bear, stalwart and bold. rocky, you are the mighty ape. close. billy, you are the wolf, cunning and swift. kimberly, you are the crane, agile and sublime. adam, you are the frog, quick as lightning. look closer. tommy, you are the falcon, winged lord of the sky. i. am the sole living descendant of the "nathadians". now prepare yourselves for the most intense physical and mental training known to man and animal. the crane maintains it's agility through the perfect harmony of mind, body and spirit. snoggle, we don't have time for you to show off the ape is strong, but more importantly it is flexible and free. the wolf relies on it's enhanced senses to guide it. he can hear what we cannot hear, he can smell what we cannot smell. the frog remains still and silent while it assesses its target. then strikes out in the blink of an eye. the bear is sturdy as a towering tree. nothing can uproot it. the falcon never struggles with the air, but rather becomes one with it. each of you must reach deep within and draw upon your natural instincts. only then will you know the way of the ninjetti. rest for a few hours. we will continue at daybreak. you have been visited by the animal spirits. they have given you their blessing. we belonged to an interstellar peace keeping force known as the "order of the meledan". zordon was widely regarded as the finest commander in the galaxy. he was a true legend. if it wasn't for him, the universe would be a very different place from what it is today. over time our enemies were defeated. i returned to phaedos, zordon moved on to continue the struggle elsewhere. until you kids showed up, i hadn't heard from him for centuries. he was always an inspiration. this is why i'm taking you to the nathadian monolith. that is why i'm teaching you the ninjetti. if zordon dies. then a piece of all of us dies. and the force of good within the universe will be dealt an irreparable blow. the monolith is there in the distance. this is as far as i can take you. i have taught you all that i know. now you must achieve the ninjetti on your own. it is said that once you've reached the power. you have only ten triacs to release it. about twenty seconds in your time. the legend goes that you release the power with the power. that is a question that even i cannot answer. remember, ten triacs. after that something bad will happen. they say the power will throw off a super-heated, radioactive fireball, instantly reducing you to ash and bits of charred bone. ka'alabas tor nartu en'kata-tay. may your animals watch over you. yes, snoggle. they now have the great power of the ninjetti!