easy, rock. catch you on the flipside. last one to ernies buys. aisha and.i are checking out a new dance spot. 'like right now.' danger from what? you haven't by any chance seen a . morphological being lurking around? gross! we're not just teenagers, raisin- head. rat breath!! somebody needs a shave. pterodactyl! everybody stay alert. raptor-ribbon! now you see `em. now you don't. what's going on?! we have to help him! zordon. you can't leave us. ever since you came into our lives. you've been like another father `to us all.- where' s billy? ! you okay? i was just thinking about zordon. everything we've been through together. they're t00 strong?? wow! that was amazing for such a little dude! but we have to find him. our leader zordon is dying. the lady asked you a question. he was attacked by this horrific being -- ivan ooze. mine seems to be a little undercooked. only that we need it to defeat ivan ooze. i think its some kind of bird. how do you know so much about the ninjetti? awesome! let's see you do it . so where are we supposed to sleep? that guy's cruisin' for a bruisin'. i don't believe it! you're leaving us?! like. how bad? man, these are the last guys i wanted to see. hasta la pasta, bigbird! all right, rocky! i guess these guys weren't so lucky. what now! zordon!! i am the crane, agile and sublime! it's some kind of mirror! we're on our way! this can't be. we thought you. what're those?! ninja crane zord! nice try, pinhead! we got him!! this guy is messing with the wrong teenagers! engaging knuckle rockets! what about it? r.g.p. pressure is heading into the red! what're you doing?!