hey bonehead, get off my hoof! yo, earth to bigfoot! boss. boss. seems to ring a bell. it's like a freeway. how long have you been locked up? ! zedd's gonna kick this snotball into next week! couldn''t stand them -- low-class all the way. and did you catch a whiff of their breath?! it's like having a conversation with a couple of onions! not to mention. gasunteidt. you know boss, i'd really like to help out but i've got this gastronomic condition which rules out all space trave-- iiiiiii!!! watch the hairrrrrrrr!! wham! kapow! boom! #0!@!#! what's the matter with you woodpeckers! take this guy out! the tengu warriors my butt! the tengu turkeys is more like it! hey, aren't you bird-brains forgetting something?! watch the meathooks!! what kind of landing was that?! these clowns are a menace to the sky oh, it couldn't've gone better. the power rangers didn't know what hit them . that's right. and then we threw one of them off a mountain and another one into a raqing river! "basically". well. we were about to finish them off. when this huge monster came out of nowhere! okay, maybe he wasn't so huge. but you should've seen the size of his sticks how'd you know? what're you talking about?! it wasn't my fault! you're the featherbrains that let them get away! where does he come up with this stuff? as soon as we've taken over the world i'm gonna change my name to sir mordant. or how about major mordant?! what is that! gotchya! just shut your gap! oh, man, that was a rental! this guy is the king! long live the booger man! wait for me! but i'm your cousin! we tried to rescue you every chance we had! cold? Hey, watch the hair!!!