yeeeoowwwwwww!!! we're outta here!! stylin! you read my mind. we should throw a little comet shindig. there's a spot over there. well, pack your bags cause we're sending you back where you came from! he's gone. tyrannosaurus! activating power scope! they're above us!! we have to try, alpha. it's our only hope. incredible. it's the best thing that's ever happened to all of us. take cover! look, zordon doesn't have much longer to live. and for all we know, angel grove could already be under attack. we don't have time for this. i see. an ape. who is this lady? here goes! what's going on?! so. what happened? we can take these guys! look out! polly wanna cracker? the nathadian monolith. release the power with the power. it can't end like this. strength in numbers!! i am the mighty ape! that's twenty seconds!! ten seconds and counting!! three seconds!! new power coins!! we've got news for you, ivan. ninja ape zord! these things are ferocious! hope you've got a good mechanic. power sword, now! what's he doing?! two thirty three a.m. give it everything we've got! there's the comet!