once we hit the target zone we've got fifteen seconds to make the drop. aisha you' re on ! surf's up! let's break!! touch down. thanks, man. let's take the shortcut! it's one smooth move and then you've gotta explode off the top. nice and easy. we're on our way. what's happening? let's take a look over there. we're the mighty morphin power rangers! it's morphin time! white tiger! let's teach these vermin a few manners. anybody see them? saba saber? we've got company. we'd better get back. come on, guys. we have to get you back inside your time warp. come on, guys, think! how can we get to it? it's our only hope. everybody okay? let's see if we can find this master warrior. hey. you okay? we'll get this warrior. save zordon. and send that slimeball ivan ooze back to the sewer he crawled out of. hang on, kimberly. we're looking for the master warrior. do you know where we can find him? huh . oh, uh, we re, ah. listen, we appreciate your hospitality, but we really don't have much time. and how do we do that? it's. an eagle? a falcon? you can do this. you can do this. you can do this. i wonder. we've been relying on our morphin powers for so long. maybe we've forgotten how to rely on ourselves. we should get some rest. how the heck?!. dulcea. how do you and zordon know each other? and how do we release the power? thank you, dulcea. for everything. yo, tweety! six become one. the combined forces of the ninjetti. and i am the falcon, winged lord of the sky! release the power with the power. let's do it!? we have the great power!! "to those who possess the great power. all things are possible." the power rangers are back in business!! let's do it! ninja falcon zord! heads up! we need ninja megazord power, now! one more blow like that and we're history! the monorail is in trouble! i'm going in! ultra ninja megazord complete! i'm in! everybody hold on tight. we're gonna send this sucker into oblivion! we're going to implode! we have to get out of here!! we're outta here!