that's a good question. no need to wake him. in fact, why don't you take a little nap yourself. after two thousand years of searching. i have finally found you. silence! don't you ever have anything nice to say?! for your information this is not just your average, run-of-the- mill tub of snot ! what! i am lord zedd, sworn enemy of all that is good and decent. it is a supreme honor to finally meet you. do you recall the name. zordon of eltare? i want you to destroy zordon, so that my evil may once again reign we shall leave you to weave your wicked ways. i'm gonna fire that slimeball so fast his not gonna know what hit him! how dare you?! nobody shuts up rita but me! nobody double-crosses lord zedd and lives! isn't this just typical! we finally do somebody a good turn and just look what happens! this is the last time i marry a witch. go power rangers! that was a cheap shot! it's not what you did, it's what you didn't do! are you trying to be funny?!