something has happened. i'm not going to be forced out of san francisco by splinter groups of social radicals, social deviants, and incorrigibles. you must realize there are thousands upon thousands of frustrated, angry people such as yourselves waiting to unleash a fury that will eradicate the malignancies which blight our beautiful city. i've assured harvey here that my brochure's comments about "social deviants" referred more to junkies than to his people. see, i'm about to have my first child. i have to make sure this city remains a decent place to raise him. a couple of years. you have something against cops? i appreciate it. i'll see you at the office, mr. milk. harvey, committee meets at 9:30. oh, hi michael, jim. hey, did you get the invitation to my son's christening? i invited a few of the other supes as well. great! all smiles, dan leaves. cleve mocks him. off mike wong's expression: that was bizarre. i'm not sure my constituents would favor that. dan looks over to his wife and newborn son. you're the only one who showed up i think. yes. right here. same parish. my grandma immigrated here when this was an irish catholic city. the city of st. francis. a lot's changed here since then. you're not like most homosexuals, are you, harvey? say, where do you stand on the psychiatric center the city's been pushing into my district? getting it out of my district was a key piece of my platform. it only attracts arsonist, rapists, all that, you know. a big one. i'm sorry. slipped into some shop talk. can i have a moment with harvey? alone, please, carol? she politely recognizes the tension and gets up. why are you turning on me like this at the last minute? what did i do? harvey, i can't go back to my family and to my folks and to my district without this. don't do this. you strung me along. and now you're throwing me to the wolves. i'll vote against your queer law. i'll get quentin against it. i gave you a chance, harvey. i really did. you blew it. you really blew it. dan goes, the rage of a scorned adolescent under his suit. no. if you have something to discuss, you can have your aide make an appointment with my aide. now you need something from me. you want my me to join in with the queers on this prop six business? harvey, our society can't exist without the family, without the church. you're not? can two men reproduce? okay. you introduce an initiative for supervisor pay raises. you asked for something. introduce pay raises. i can't take care of my family on our salaries. you don't have that problem, do you? dan's aide steps into the doorway. she seems surprised to see harvey in dan's office. mr. milk, you'll excuse me, i have a development meeting. dan goes. sorry i missed the party, harv. dog poop? it's good! it's a good one. oh, yeah. i mean, god knows how many problems it causes. all kinds of diseases, birth defects probably, i mean, stuff you can't even. hey, i got you a little something. you didn't have to-- oh, what? yeah, sure. harvey, i just. i just want to say. happy birthday. dan puts his arms around harvey for a sort-of macho but really weird birthday hug. harvey stiffens, it's such a peculiar moment. dan steps back, looks him over. i've really learned a lot from watching you, harvey. no, i have. you gotta get out there. get noticed. that's how it works. but, you have an issue. that's your advantage. i've learned a lot from you, harvey. i'm going to get my picture in the papers, too. you'll see. i've got my own issue. that's right. dan white's got an issue! i see naked men walking around, naked women walking around, which doesn't bother me as far as my personal standards of nudity, but it's not proper. we wouldn't allow it for any other parade in san francisco, and it should not be allowed for the gay parade. all i'm really saying is, if we don't protect ourselves with this kind of legislation, a transvestite can show up at a public school with all the qualifications for teaching and they can't refuse to hire him. you didn't bring up supervisor pay raises. in fact, i heard you plan to publicly oppose them. (parrotting harvey it's not a good time for me to bring it up. politically. i don't trade votes. unlike you, the way i was raised, we believe in right and wrong. moral and immoral. if i come out against prop six, it's only for the invasion of state's rights issue. you underestimate me, milk. you're very, very wrong about me. you don't. you can't humiliate me. and you will not demean me. could you give this to the mayor for me? as soon as possible. i just resigned. congratulations. i'm sure you're pleased. harvey doesn't know what to say. dan's right, it does make him happy. but it's not that simple. you'll be the next president of the board. sure. dan heads for his office. it was a major decision on friday that i had to come. to arrive at. but since that time, people unknown to me, plus my family and friends, have come to me and stated that they want me to stay in office, that they support me. so i'm asking the mayor to let me stay in office to serve the people. yes. this is dan white. i'm sorry. i don't know anything about that. dan hangs up on her. my aide was supposed to come down here and let me in the side door, but she never showed up. i'm dan white. city supervisor. we follow dan down the hall and into the grand entry-way. you can't take this away from me! moscone has his back turned, pouring them cocktails. say, harve, can i see you for a minute?