well, it looks like the big guns and the rich gays in san francisco are going to back dianne feinstein and other straight candidates they consider "gay-friendly." a mansion-- i can't control who's in the audience. we lost, but we lost by less! more votes than ever. i remember when that used to work. i want to show you something. this is remarkable. jim starts laying out his trusty maps, color coded with precinct results from that night. the red is where you did best tonight. if we can get the initiative on district elections to pass, and we can -- we can -- our new supervisor's district will go right up market. right around the castro. if you run for supervisor with this new district, it's a potential landslide. you'll be the first up- front gay man elected to major office in the u.s. who the heck is she? they'll split the gay vote. the straights will divide and conquer. how do you know she's not a plant from rick stokes' campaign? carol ruth silver. gordon lau. it's the most liberal board in years! dan white won't vote for this. harvey puts his fingers to his lips and points down the hall, indicating dan is down there. harvey whispers: but we can't afford infighting anymore, cleve. we have to bring together every group. even the old school democrats. it could be dangerous. there is such a thing as a right to privacy. what are you doing? where's harvey? if you cleaned up all the dog shit in the city, you could be elected mayor. imperial is 69% "for" so far. the polls were off. briggs is going down by more than 2 to 1. the only district where it's leading in san francisco is dan white's. harvey takes a moment to absorb the map. anne, dick & jim, all the volunteers. what this apparent win means to him, to his people. to cleve: