okay, harvey. really? work? so, that would be. let me guess. ma bell or at&t. you left out bad breath. falling for it, harvey covers his mouth. scott laughs. they both smile, realizing they share a wry sense of humor. a train is coming, harvey has to work fast. listen, harvey, you're kind of cute for a suit. but i don't do guys over forty. how's that? jackson, mississippi. now you tell me. are you on uppers or what? you're afraid of the cops? oh. you're one of "those." i think you need a change of scenery. new friends. you're forty now. you keep eating like this and you'll be a fat ass by fifty. where to? i cashed my last unemployment check yesterday. i bought an ounce of pot. i was just wondering if you had any plans, or thoughts. about us doing something to, you know, bring in an income. i suppose i can wait tables. yeah. what kind of shop? based on what law? we pay taxes you know! harvey grabs scott's hand. keeps him from heating up, from pouncing. it's not the time for them to bite yet. can i come in now? harvey. what's with all this political activist crap? i thought you were a goddamn republican. harvey walks into the small dining room holding two plates of food. he sets them out on a small dining room table, still rambling on to scott in the bedroom. harvey. it's just like every other city in this country. people hate us. big surprise. wow. this is-- harvey. this guy wants to talk to you. what's he giving you? a convert to what? you're gonna run for supervisor, is that the idea? harvey, you do that every time you cross the street. fun? harvey starts kissing him all over. who cares about those old queens? scott is laying down on the big red couch. i'm beat, harvey. i passed out flyers for seven hours straight. people in bathhouses vote. i'm tired. i'm taking a nap. scott heads up the stairs to their apartment. a customer comes in. danny quickly gathers the revealing photos and puts them back in the envelope. "harvey milk will have a dream journey and nightmare to hell, a night of horror. you will be stabbed and have your genitals, cock, balls, prick cut off." you think this is funny? look at it. reluctantly, harvey takes the letter from scott. don't do that. all this energy. to make yourself a target. and what for? something we have no chance to win. harvey wraps his arms around him. what's wrong with the castro? thanks for the swim. i'm sorry i pissed in your pool. no. not cute. the shoes are hideous and i hate your hair. you're not fooling anybody. this isn't sexy, harvey. harvey grabs scott, kisses him. then playful: harvey. dinner. harvey, you need to eat something. now. ladies and gentlemen. our apartment is officially off limits. chases the volunteers out of the kitchen, out of his bedroom. down the stairs. downstairs. time to go. go. out! harvey emerges, about to intervene. don't say anything. for once, harvey keeps his mouth shut. jim and dick sneak past scott, sheepishly. when scott and harvey are alone. sit down and eat. harvey and scott eat dinner in tense silence. clearly. let rick have it. nobody thinks you're a fraud here, harvey. you're not in new york, you're not a closet case asshole anymore. people respect you here. relax for a year. get us back on our feet. since when did you care if anyone took you seriously? i can't do another one. i'll be back for my sheets. if you're not here, i'll see you in the shop next week. scott picks up his box of clothes and starts out of the apartment. harvey, not meaning a word: i know. you're a catch. scott leaves. harvey is in shock, unable to comprehend the loss. unable. unwilling to reverse the choice he's made. the whole state is not san francisco. politics. not the movement. what the hell was that in there? you were the biggest closet case alive in new york. you told me and all your boyfriends to keep our traps shut. you were the hypocrite in there. i had to listen to your phone calls home to mom. hear you deny that i existed. you want to be "normal" as bad as any of us. more than any of us. those are kids in there. you're asking them to lose their families. that's fucking insane. someone i'm seeing. he's good for me. he makes me stay home at nights, out of the bars. oh, harvey, don't. what's that about? don't let cezar chavez hear you calling him taco bell. i remember when your birthdays were a bit less. lavish. more intimate. my boyfriend got an invitation. i was his "plus one." congratulations to you. looks like you're part of the machine now. you can do better. you're not so old. you look handsome. happy 48th. looks like you're gonna make it to fifty after- all, mr. milk. scott gives harvey a birthday kiss. harvey. look at me. look at me. you did everything you could. what else could you have done? hello? reveal: scott, half asleep. what's wrong? who? if you go to the opera again, you should call me. yes. i'd go with you. harvey? it's late. you should get some sleep. miss what? where is everybody? didn't anyone give a damn?