how we doing? in nature, evolution is a long, leisurely conversation between an organism and its environment. we, however, did not have the luxury of time. we've achieved almost total eradication of the roach population. as of today, the disease has been officially contained. sus, come on. you're missing it. fucking thing! i hope someone's taping this. susan, come on. it's really good this time. i got most of the lines out. sus? life's a bitch. our 15 minutes came and went and all we got was bad cable. hiding from the hard glare of publicity? a shame. you looked great tonight. you did! taking a cab instead of hiring a limo? is this a catholic guilt thing? you hear that? flawless. we know we saved lives. there're gonna be a lot of kids running around next year because of you. who know? we get lucky, maybe a couple of 'em'll be ours. oh, i don't know. people are beginning to talk about us. excuse me, ladies. "baby in a bottle" you know where they get this fertility stuff? they extract it from the urine of menopausal italian nuns. don't get kinky here. okay, meet me out front. i gotta go. josh's picking me up in five. see you tonight. selling your sould for a fistful of carbohydrates. yeah, and a loudspeaker so you can yell "epidemic! epidemic! you're all going to die!" you really love flashing that thing, don't you? peter tyler, doh. you gentlemen were the first on the scene? you gone in? good. get the emt's in there, now. jesus. there's plenty of systemic infection already, so as soon as we get a preliminary reading, start them on anti-biotics. you saw this? internal hemorrage. 2 our of 5 have it. no definite signs of tb, but we'll quarantine them a week just to make sure. tell them to send flowers to the usual address. did they get the sleazebag who owns this place? tell her she's going to be alright. we'll take care of her. dark angels? josh, what was immigration's countdown? there are thirty five listed in the reverend wong's roster. remember what that woman said, about people being taken? check with the copsin the area. sus? susan? thought it was my week for that. okay. so you lost a great specimen- we? maybe they lied to you. so? here, let me. okay, guys. we'll take it from here. let's keep it at five and i won't condemn your clubhouse. inspects the floor. it's littered with cheap objects: chipped combs, used rubbers, soggy newspapers, smeared heroin syringes. look, a broken tooth. at the oddly texture wall. he shines the penlight at it. shit. honey, just leave it. look, i showed you my badge. the department of public health. fine. you want me to call your supervisor? excuse me, i'm talking to you. for chrissakes. you gonna lay a two- bit bureaucratic, territorial number on me? you give someone a fucking uniform and. did you hear how he talked to us? oh, so i'm the bad guy now? fine, then i'm the bad guy. jesus! he wants a permit, i'll get him a permit. heya. where's the boss? you okay? maybe you should sit. approaches susan. she's staring through thr glass panes of the exhibit at the crowd of patrons. in the refraction, their black tuxedoes and evening gowns seem to blend into one another. great crowd. fuck 'em. they don't know what they're missing. what's wrong? oh, no, you were- susan, we're not b- i think it's some kind of systemic infection, chris. i saw a few cases like it yesterday. a sweatshop in canal. it'll come back to me. looks like a lyme disease rash. you said that thing was big as your hand. i don't think i'm going to miss. no. susan, listen to me: you handled that insect almost as much as siri. i know. but if it was carrying something. there's a chance you could have been exposed. chris is going to run some blood tests on you. i want you to stay here till he's absolutely sure you're clean. okay? then you'll call me. you'll catch up with us. we'll be all right, sus. i promise. guess someone requested you for overtime. buddy. yeah, barely. we haven't found anything down here. nothing. we'll be back at the platform in. 20 minutes. susan? ammonia. yeah? weird shit? i want a team in here by six tonight, hands and knees with toothpicks. putting the last sample boxes into the back-pack, looks up and sees don't!! look what you did! you stupid sonofa- it's okay. i'm all right. he's all right, too. you got a better way up? go josh. now. any luck? you said those cables're still live. can't we rewire? what? for chrissakes, what's the problem? you need a memo every time you fart? shh! shh! woman? listen to me: we're getting you out. give me your belts. what's? i'm coming, sus, i'm coming. toss the flare down! just do it! oh, jesus. wrap it around your hand! come on! get on my shoulders! let's go! oh, shit. push it! push it! don't let up! we don't know!! we don't know what it is! wait a minute- its muscles are locked. hey hey hey. just keep holding it. can you do that for me? susan? you feel anything? leonard, listen. i need to see if there's any nerve damage before we carry you back. look, i'm trying to help you here. i'm sorry. but i don't think letting you bleed to death is the best apology. a mistake. it doesn't matter, all right? it's dead. so, you're saying this is like those bugs that -- that look like twigs or leaves or. is there a switch? they're coming! a buzz of wings catches his attention. he turns. his face is reflected in a security window. how?! it's no use! they know we're in here! right. hardwired to eat anything that's not like them! what are you doing? what- can we get this car there? just talk me through it. i can go with manny. we'll cover ourselves with this. they can mimic us- we goddam mimic them! it worked before. that's why we should do it now. depends. you got a memo? try not to sweat? i was just thinking how i could use a pair of pliers. and i remembered where they are. in the tool box under the kitchen counter. breathes a sigh of relief. green. blue. dammit! hears the sound of spoons playing. manny. come on, kid. jesus! the kid's with them!! go!! just go!! shit. jump in. you go first. i'll be right below you. i can. we can do this. don't hold your breath! keep it going, even flow! c'mon. talk to me. hang onto me. hang on tight! come on! we can do it! we-can-do-this!!! it'll be fine. it. they're still down there. we'll seal the whole system, go in with whatever it takes. it'll be fine. we nailed them before, we'll do it again.