yeah. uh. a dinner with a client got canceled. about the same. is your mother around? oh. i wasn't, but thanks for the concern. you're going out on a school night? mmm. is your homework done? mmm. hello? sure. everything alright in there? no, that's fine, but can we get this show on the road? the deluxe. y. yes. i'd like to see you again, but. uh. i never got your name? ginger, i won't forget. ginger! you forgot your. jacket. morning, kiddo, you finish those math problems? i'd be happy to help you with it, if you need. so. i don't want to have to sneak around in my own house. i mean, i don't want to live under the same roof with her. she wasn't as bad an actress as you think. there is? wait, you don't mean- good. ill? as painful as it would be for me to be without my loving wife. of course, we'll have to make sure her episodes are well documented. a public complaint by a neighbor wouldn't hurt. and we'll find her a very comfortable place out in the country. it will be a much better life for her. coming, honey. diane, sugar, do you remember where you put them when you came home last night? uh, are you sure? you did seem a bit tipsy. diane, i have a meeting with chapman, he's our biggest client-- here comes the choo-choo. what is going on?! carlos, what the fuck are all these flowers doing here?! diane, did you order all this?! listen, great job, but you need to give me more warning. i was at dinner with chapman, and it's the second time i've had to re- schedule. diane, honey, we brought you a pulled pork plate! honey? you okay?. honey? diane, it's us, wake up. mini. diane, come on, come on. her pulse is almost gone. i. i don't know. she will if we keep this torture up. this is wrong, call an ambulance. mini-- we both agreed murder was out. she wouldn't have taken the pills if we hadn't- mini, for gods sake, she still has a pulse. mini, we- what? just leave her here? i don't know. what? speed this up? no, i'm sorry, this is going somewhere i'm not prepared to go. what are you suggesting? i don't think this is a good idea. could you just pretend to have a little remorse? it's okay, sweetheart, everything's going to be okay. yes? yes? oh. uh. right. could we do this another time? thank you. mini, it's okay. just go lie down for a moment. so after dinner and the movie, we came home at around 11:30 and found her in the garage. i turned off the car and opened the garage door to let out the exhaust. of course, we did that too, but i couldn't feel a pulse. mini took a course at school in cpr and tried that, but. it didn't work. yes. we never thought she'd do anything like. this. after the episode in the mall, diane hadn't left the house for three days and my daughter and i just needed a break. it's been a very stressful time. yes. what? is, is that important? oh, well. after she was brought home from the mall, the car was towed here and we put it in the garage. no, mini and i have our own cars. crime lab? oh, okay. sure. i'm sorry? oh. right, no. not yet. but we haven't really looked. no. of course not. but they said it's-- oh, shit! the sweatsuits and goggles. good. really? sure, if you want. oh. hi, mike, what, what are you doing here? thanks, mike, we appreciate it. why did you tell him?! he knows. he found the clothes and goggles and he fucking knows! yeah, well coincidence or not, he saw us together. you realize he could blackmail us? if the police found out about us, that suicide wouldn't look so routine. and you let him in?! well, when's he coming over? tonight!? i've got a dinner with chapman. i've already cancelled-- damn it! why didn't you call me?! listen, i'll be home early so we can get the story straight. absolutely. what would you like to know? detective, not to be overly sensitive, but do i need my lawyer here? because these sound like the questions one asks when there's a homicide investigation. fair enough. i wasn't aware my wife was taking ritalin. well, as you may have discovered by now, my wife had substance abuse problems, i'm sure there were many drugs she took without a prescription. again, detective, i really can't say why she was taking these drugs. no. we led, for the most part, separate lives. we had decided to stay together for mini. listen, detective garson, i must admit i don't see the relevance of these questions. diane was an extremely disturbed person. haven't you interviewed enough people who saw her at her worst? well, that makes two of us. again, detective, we were out for the whole evening. that's right. that new jackie chan movie where the terrorists try to blow up mount rushmore. yeah, he slides down washington's nose with the bomb strapped to him. another demerit. the galleria. 11:30. now, if there aren't any more questions, it is a school night. for now? detective we are trying very hard to put our lives back together, but every time you come by, it just dredges everything back up. we've told you everything we know. g well, i'm telling you the next time you have a question, it had better be because you're charging us- i'm just asking you to please let us deal with our grief and get on with our lives. what the hell was i thinking, letting you talk me into this? that was not routine, my dear. sorry, it just slipped out. okay. chill?! believe me, we'll be chilling in a pine box if he figures everything out. you do understand they could go for the death penalty? hello?! they don't try and spook you unless they think you did it! well, if it was such a great plan, why am i cancelling business dinners to accommodate a detective who appears convinced it wasn't a suicide? where are you going? a phone call would have been appreciated at some point. i was worried. i wasn't saying that as a dad. before your mother and i. grew apart, i would worry if she was out late. what the hell's gotten into you? i just expressed concern for you and you turn around and threaten me? mini, in a relationship, it's okay to worry about someone else. haven't you ever been in a relationship? my god, you haven't. oh, angel. morning, lois. lois, i need you to re-schedule the chapman meeting. i know. tell him. tell him it's an unavoidable emergency. what do you mean you don't keep records on who your senders are? yeah? thank you, lois. steve? charlie? what, what are you doing in town? why didn't you tell me you were coming-- jesus, guys, my wife just committed suicide. fifteen years. we've been-- fucking shit! fucking shit! fucking shit! look at that smug prick. he's fucking with me and i will not be fucked with. my god, the picture was dropped off at a messenger service right across the street from his office! he was the only person at the resort who knew who we were! that son of bitch just cost me the firm i worked fifteen years to build. detective, i told you no more questions without my lawyer. i suppose i can try. i'm sorry, but this is harassment. and? i never doubted for a minute you were going to hold firm. not a second. i hope you know that? good. you realize, we've got to rely on each other? exactly. we're almost home free. my lawyer says that gas gauge theory is circumstantial as hell. i've only got one concern now. rudell. if a jury knew we were a couple, we've both got a motive and that changes everything. what? why? you? you went on- did, did you. you had me come home early to- rudell? he let you go on? i can't believe you. th-that couple, you ruined their relationship. you're a sick little twist, you know that? i need some air. i think it's time i had a little chat with our neighbor then he can't blackmail me. wait here, i'll be right back. i said wait here. he'll never leave us alone, you realize that? he did? when? you saw him? if you? and was he? please tell me you didn't. thank you, i appreciate your restraint. who were you doing it for when you did it with that kid? huh? who was that selfless act for!? don't lecture me about fidelity! your mother was cheating within six months of the "i do's"! now, if you'll excuse me. calm down or i'll snap it in two, do you hear me? now, i want you to wait here for me. do you understand? just watched mini on your show. a natural, huh? you son of a bitch. where are they?! huh? don't fuck with me! the negatives! you son of a bitch! how's that feel?! you like that?! you thought you could have my wife and my daughter too?! sorry, pal, she's mine! diane may have taken pity on you between vodkas, but not her! not her! go look for the negatives! we need the negatives! what are you doing! he'll tell everyone! mini, you called them?! how could you call them?! it's okay, myou can mail it. well. uh. you have to be careful about sh-. so how's school? what? but don't you have to be- i wonder how the real valedictorian feels? is rudell out of his coma yet? why? mini, if he recovers, he may try to blackmail you with those pictures. but if the d.a. got those pictures, you could- mini, you're not thinking of sleeping with him to keep him quiet? because i've met people in here who could help us with him, if it comes to that. they know people on the outside we could. pay to make sure he doesn't try to take advantage of you. what? our cabana boy from mexico? you. you. guard! guard! guard! she did it! she just admitted it! it was her idea! don't let her leave! she's guilty! get the warden! you bitch! you little whore! i'm gonna kill you! do you hear me, you little bitch! 111: