yeah, a runner. fifty cops on the scene takes the chase out of them. we ever get a runner, i'd be too old to give chase. i love it more johnny boy doesn't get to murder his wife. i used to love being a cop. great -- except there's no such thing as homicide. what i do best doesn't exist anymore. the precogs have a perfect record. they identify the accused -- i just put on my monkey suit and go round them up. no. you're a cop's dream. cocks his head, then goes back to toweling off. who called? come on in, neighbor. want some coffee? before all this genetically engineered crap . coffee? we'll barbecue. where's ennis page? why hasn't he delivered this morning's precog discs? screw you. was that fun for you, yesterday? yeah. when do we not get our man? what was i thinking. thanks, ennis. he's not watching the screen. he is out of his chair now, looking out the window. what would they think about if we unhooked them? yes. this is the only and authentic disc of the event seen by the precognitive mutants and recorded by the precrime division. this is the immutable evidence of the infallible system. in one week -- june 16th, 2040 at 10:33 in the morning. that would be bad news for an infallible system. keeps the system honest. and besides, i like to pretend i'm a cop. who's got the coroner? hi doc. i know how, dammit. you know how. god bless the precogs. yeah. you're right. a little bit of me dies every time i come to one of these things. i'd never have let them appoint me to precrime if i'd have known this was going to be part of it. exactly. let's invite all these irregular assholes over for a barbecue. burgers and beer - think they'd come? i know you do, senator. how about jaywalking? littering? now there's a crime. no sir, we don't have that opportunity. there are only three precogs. they're a lucky accident of nature. there are no more. precogs aren't sheep or pigs. seeing into the future is a gift, a nonreproducible event. there was only one mozart, and there are only three precogs. senator, a world filled with hundreds of precogs is not my idea of a safe place. i decline, senator. i'm sorry. not my sort of place. when it comes to needles and scalpels, yeah. what do you use them on? what's happening here? what's in the cylinders? from ? a fusion of . ? it's great out here, frank. you got the touch. sure, frank. yeah. he'd served his time, frank. i know it's not fair. it's way beyond not fair . next wednesday, at noon. it's not in you, frank, to kill anybody. i know, frank. no. you blame him? the guy killed his daughter! yeah. i know. i know. i hate the precogs, ed. i believe in them absolutely and i hate them absolutely. jesus. and that goddamn lab trying to grow more of them. put a precog in every home, you know? so we can have more franks - people shooting themselves -- over who knows what? yeah. that's why i got into this business -- to be hated. let's not do this, ed. oh, ed . i kill you. oh god, i kill you. come in. angela. my . eleven. have page take this. i make procedure. call him. i'm not okay, angela . you're right. i'll speak to witwer, put him in charge for the rest of the day. take over for me today? yeah. ed. run the place, okay? can't let them back up. do 'em. listen to me. i'm underground. weakens the signal so it can't be picked up. listen, dammit! i'm going to murder ed. what's your name, officer? these the new python transports? sorry, officer smythe. don't move. stop! moving heats you up, makes it easier for them to pick you up on their thermals. i turned the furnace all the way up. your hair dryer. the oven. if they come, it'll buy me twenty seconds. maybe thirty. i'm going to kill ed witwer. one week from today. tuesday, june 25, at five-twenty in the morning. i shoot him, lisa. you don't have to worry about that. if you love me, stand there. and don't move. i saw the disc, lisa. i shoot him. in the chest. and he dies. i've watched a thousand murders. this time i star in one. the precogs are never wrong. they emit a single disc. "the immutable evidence of the infallible system." there is no review. there's only the disc. it shows my guilt. there's no defense. last week. it was strange. i watched from the bathroom window. you went out in the backyard to make a call. an appointment, you said. for a haircut that afternoon. you didn't get your hair cut. you went to the trouble of calling first thing in the morning. it was that important . ed. why outside? why lie about it? why am i going to kill you,ed? my wife calling you before breakfast? this party's no fun, ed. it's a hell of a surprise, though. i'm having trouble trusting people, ed, i gotta tell you. you there, ed? i'm a cop, ed. i need a motive. i saw a news flash. you're the new director. is that the point of this? didn't think so. but it has to be something, ed. if i come in, it puts me close to you. if i get close . i may kill you. i can't risk that. anyway, they'd force you to lock me up. and that'd be it -- i'd never get my chance to solve this thing. and you get to be a real cop again. we get to flex our muscles. i'm not here for cat surgery, doc. it's all i could safely move yeah. i get it, doc. do me quick before i run out of here. ) nano-re . construction. jesus. i'm hungry, but sick to my stomach. guess i should eat. you gonna help feed me? so how do we do this, pal? fuck. time to upgrade your alarm system, senator. your work-up of witwer. the security panel would've done one. why do i kill witwer? there's, always a motive. i could've come to anyone on the panel. but i picked you. of all the shits on that panel, i like you least of all. so if this gun goes off, i'll feel bad, but not, you know, devastated. tell you something about the precogs, senator. they're great on murder. but it's the little things they fail to see. little things like that, for instance. his mouth slowly opens. he steps back against a wall and slides his hand into his pants pocket. he looks at the precog disc in his cupped hand, then quickly puts it away. shakes his head in confusion and disbelief. but he has the precog disc . oh, ed . moves quickly through the crowds. "ennis page engages the services of prostitutes because his relationships with them compound his feelings of selfloathing." direct quote from your psychological profile -- the kind of shit i had to know as your former boss. "page is an obsessive-compulsive type nine." another quote. niners are great for the kind of work you do -- keeping all those precog discs in order. something's out of order, ennis. deeply out of order. not a disc. the disc. when i went home sick, i stole it. i took it with me, ennis. i wasn't sick, i was running with the evidence. so how is it that precrime has one, too? ennis -- you gave out the same disc twice. less than an hour apart. the one i stole. and then another one. of the same event. it's me. your phone will be bugged. so we can't meet, we can't do anything. just listen. nowing you're listening is enough. when precrime stormed the house, i thought you'd called them. betrayed me. i know. witwer sent them. he saw the disc and had to do his job. tell me you forgive me. please. all these people i need to forgive me. do you think frank forgave me? all i could do for him was send him gardenias. i love you. pick one for me! point to the train i should take. please. but the precogs would've predicted me killing you. you'd know whether i do or not. they shut down the system. haven't they? they've shut down the precogs. i have to get out of here. you let me get here, didn't you? you stopped giving them information, so they couldn't track me. you didn't even look around. you knew. stop. i saved you. it was the best i could do. what am i going to do with you? what? listen. listen to me. listen to me . rose. rose. they shifted your precognition so you would locate me. i didn't know. when they shifted you to find me, you didn't reveal everything. that i was going to break into precrime. you used me -- to save you. rose. what's going to happen to us? can you see that? you didn't know i was going to do that, did you? rose. listen to me. i'm going to leave you here. i have to keep moving. it's impossible. there's no time. i've done what i can do! you knew it wasn't impossible. that i'd get there. i'm in a lot of trouble right now. rose. ed witwer -he's in the most trouble of all. who saves him? rose. try to drink. why? what are you seeing? you're scaring me, rose at 1:07 hang up the phone and enter the lawrence museum. at 1:13 the two precrime officers following you take a wrong turn into a different room, losing sight of you for ten seconds. an undercover transport officer will have received emergency orders to follow you. as you come around the bend, cry out and turn around and slap the officer. stay on ninth street. underneath ninth street is the main power feed for the sprawl. it'll mess up the navigational beacon on the hovercraft. keep switching taxis. but stay on ninth. the hovercraft will try to drop altitude, but the air traffic will slow it down. precrime loses you. you'll have to walk two miles. don't get scanned. rose got the street wrong. she's getting weak. two discs. one fake. one real. an infallible system. every disc ever generated has been true . i never doubted it. i saw it. and believed it, absolutely. i was certain i was going to murder witwer. i saw the fake, and believed so much in the system, that i saw myself as a murderer. and the precogs picked up those thoughts . a self-fulfilling prophesy. i believed it was true. and that made it true. rose. if all this is based on a lie -the fake disc -- then do i really kill witwer? nobody could slip a fake disc past ennis page lisa shakes her head. obsessive compulsive niners can't allow changes in the routine rose. what is it? your eyes were open. what did you see, rose? rose. who spilled the coffee? straight ahead . ed . he set into motion his own death. he didn't know it would go this far. what makes me leave this room? if i stay here i won't kill him. right? jesus christ. one hour. we hold it together for an hour, witwer lives -- and i'm not a murderer. rose! did he kill both of them, rose? rose! then i'm a cop, just trying to do hisjob. there's never anything good on, you know? you're not the old ed. you've lost it. i'm not your partner. he was guilty. i accepted that. never been my style. so you took matters into your own hands. you killed a precog. you ended the system you wanted to protect. knowing the exact moment of your death -it's made you crazy, ed. that's right. no gun. you can't have it both ways. you don't want to die. that's why you lured me here -- to kill me first. but it you don't diet the system is flawed, and you couldn't live with that. let's not do this, ed witwer trains his gun on anderson. anderson trains his gun on witwer. oh, ed .