got a cold. don't worry. i could cut open your chest, sew a dead cat in there, and you'd never get an infection. not with the spectrum antibios i'll be shooting into you. yeah. all right. you understand what i told you then. i can't just give you new irises. the scanners will read the scar tissue. alarms will go off. i gotta take your eyes out. and put in new ones. you're in a room. i had you moved here, a couple miles from my place. if they find you, they don't find me. a guy will come in, feed you once. i juiced up the nano-reconstruction around your new eyes, 'cause i know you're in a hurry. organic microrobots that reconstruct nerves and blood vessels. it'll feel like fleas chewing on your eyeballs. don't scratch. i'm giving you a bonus, might come in handy. feel this. it's a temporary paralytic enzyme. someone spots you, you duck into an alley, shoot this under your chin. the enzyme turns your facial muscles to mush. you won't look like the same man. you tighten up again in about thirty minutes. hurts like nothing you ever felt. it's vicious, but effective. i'll put it in your bag. i'm setting up a timer. when it buzzes tomorrow, take off your bandages, and get the hell out of here.