hello, director anderson.
i'm presently analyzing neurohormones, assistant director witwer. i have not concluded my examination.
i'm detecting carbonization of skull fragments around the entry wound.
i have not determined that yet, assistant director.
please rotate the corpse to the lateral supine position.
this event is a negative homicide. a mortal wound was generated by a .22 calibre bullet self-delivered to the parietal 'portion of the skull on june 10th, 2040, at 11:57 pm,
eastern standard time. this event is a positive suicide.
director witwer. this event is a positive homicide.
a mortal wound was generated by a .38 calibre bullet delivered to the left occipital portion of the anterior skull, on june 16th, 2040, at 1:24 am, eastern standard time. a phase two investigation is in order.