jesus, paul. your heart's hammering. i excite you that much? you're still a cop. i'm a factory worker. we don't catch murderers. we process them. you're the best homicide cop in the country. and then i prosecute them. and they go to jail. and lives are saved. thousands of lives. and that's a cop's dream. no one. i called about my hair. getting it done this afternoon. oh, frank. that's so sweet. thank you. you and ellie come for supper then. director anderson, do you swear that the disc you now present to the court is the only and authentic disc of the future murder of carol palmer by her husband, john palmer? the murder of carol palmer will occur . ? it's only a party, paul. you're exactly what precrime needed. an amazing homicide cop and a real person in an unreal job. the public loves the precogs. but they give people the creeps, too. you're something they understandp a regular cop running things. paul? i can hardly hear you. but we're on secure paul. paul his crackling voice faintly comes through the phone. it's a hundred degrees in here. nobody's coming for you. on the phone -- what you said. it's impossible. it's not true. you're upset. you've been unhappy. there's a lot of pressure on you. and then frank . you need to take time off. i want to hold you. something's wrong. you wouldn't do it. we'll figure this out. we'll review the system. you can't run. please, let's -- stop it! paul, please. you're panicking. everything's going to look wrong. you're going to distrust everybody and everything now. you can't distrust me. it was ed i called. stop being a cop and listen to me! your birthday's tomorrow! we wanted to. paul! i know. i know that. everybody's got their reasons for wanting you in charge. so do i -- you won't bring him in dead. he'd never hurt you. paul. no. of course, i forgive you. frank hated gardenias. help me, paul. they're blue. and now they're brown. your identiscan is off, ennis. i could just walk in here. you don't look surprised to see me. i need your help. he's desperate, ennis. he had to. we have to help him. it's a fake ennis. this is the first disc. you delivered it to director anderson. he reviewed it. and then he stole it, and went on the run. but he thought it was real, and ran with it. an hour later, you delivered a second disc of the same event. witwer reviewed it. it was real. how do i know this? director anderson had his eyes changed. they were blue. now he has brown ones. this disc, the fake one, shows a blueeyed anderson murdering witwer two days from now. he doesn't have blue eyes anymore. the person who faked this disc had no idea he would change his eyes. listen! but the second disc has to be real, because he has brown eyes when he murders witwer. somebody tried to frame him with a fake. and somehow it all became real. why, ennis? how could this happen? you handle the discs. how did a fake one get delivered? you want-- ? what coffee? what are you -- ? there. the one on the left, the first disc -it's a fake. he doesn't have blue eyes anymore. exactly. you can't tamper with the precogs, induce them to make fakes but that doesn't mean someone couldn't have made a fake disc on their own and inserted it into the delivery system. we're all programmed to believe anything we see on a precog disc. the system has never been wrong . you have to call off the hunt. he was set up. he was set up! you both were. if paul kills you, you're both out of the picture. jesus, ed. stop this thing! and then we can investigate witwer's mouth opens and closes. he tries again. he's not a murderer. hello? hello? two hundred dollars if you don't scan me. cut it a little close there, honeybunch. rose? i don't think there were supposed to be two. whoever planned it, wasn't counting on two. somebody wants you out of the way -- so they make a fake disc. who ever doubts the discs? and generated the second disc. the real one. he was the weak link in the perfect system. something threw him off. he tried to tell me. it didn't make any sense. something about "spilled coffee." someone was in his office with him. and coffee spilled . the perfect system -brought down by a cup of coffee. my god. come on, rose. she won't last an hour. if you leave this room.