yes. and it hurt us, physically. did you know that? the helmets, the controls. it hurts. we saw our chance. you would need to shut us down, you would have to come. we wanted you to come. i have been used all my life, anderson. no one cared that we were human. from a human mother. taken at birth. hooked to machines. we have been alive, anderson. enslaved, for the greater good. but now i have a name. and i know the man who has named - me will not allow me to be enslaved again. i'm weak. and away from my brothers. i see glimpses and hints of things nearby. but it's all . scattered. i'm tired of the future, anderson. no. oh, anderson. it was lovely. no. you must save my brothers. come here, anderson. do you see that boy in the blue hat walking with his mother? in sixty seconds he will walk beneath those workers installing a window on the tenth floor of that building. they'll drop the window, killing him. it is impossible to save him. it was impossible to save that boy -- but you did, anderson. it's in you. it's what you are. you are a man who saves others. save my brothers. my brothers are in more trouble. they've moved them to . an awful place. your wife. we have to get her here, anderson. i don't know . glimpses, anderson. please. we have to get her here. stop talking. it uses me up. in three minutes your wife will take a walk . we see what we see. i'm sorry, anderson. it's been predicted. we were always treated as if we weren't alive. as if we weren't there. even now. you forget that i'm here. you talk between yourselves. and when you need me to see into the future, then you turn to me. we weren't just lost in the future. we were in the chamber, too. our eyes were open. in the present. who would i have told? who ever talked to us? who cared that we could talk? ed witwer entered page's office. page was so upset at the sight of the coffee. ed witwer took a disc from his pocket, reached over page and put it in one of the open cases. i didn't understand what i'd seen. and i had no one to tell . he's killed him, anderson! you didn't save my brother. does it matter, anderson? james. can you guess what i'm thinking? 15: put the case on my desk, ennis. we had to bring him in. but the precogs predict the infallible truth. they don't emit fake discs. he's wearing a red tie. he has short blond hair.