i'd come, mr. director. and i'd make all the other assholes come with me. nice job this morning. another negative homicide. the precogs never let us down. i have a dream, paul. hundreds of precogs. not just predicting murders, but predicting all crimes. burglary, arson, assaults i don't want a police state, you know that. but we have an opportunity here, and we can make more. just give me your support. help me increase funding for the precog engineering project. fuck mozart. the people want to be safe. they want that more than they want food or love. look at us -it's 2040 and we've wrapped ourselves up in the 1950's like a big security blanket. why? because we want to feel like they felt. safe. sure could use your help, paul. don't think i'll come to your barbecue after all. you're goddam right. so, gentlemen -screw the motive. we got a pre-murderer on the run, and a nasty little pr problem. there's no motive. what the fuck was i worried about? you can't kill me. the precogs would've seen it. witwer's clean. you're clean. there's nothing. no motive. kind of like something kafka would've cooked up. you like that, cockroach? you're fucked and you'll never know why.