welcome to the main headquarters of precrime. smaller precrime branches are scattered throughout the united states. precrime was established in 2030, with the harnessing of the remarkable talents of the precognitive mutants. mr. harris, can you tell me how many precogs there are? that's exactly right! a lot of people assume there are precogs in every branch office. but there are only three precogs, right here in this building. and the information they give us, we send out to all the other branches. and what is that information -what do the precogs do? that's right, timmy. because of the precogs, you're going to grow up murderfree. isn't that something? never, sir. it's an infallible system. the precogs predict a homicide, and our precrime police then apprehend that future murderer before the event occurs. and right next door is the judicial center, where we prosecute the future murderers. no, i'm sorry. that part of the building is not open to the public. now, if you'll just step this way welcome to the main headquarters of precrime. smaller precrime branches are scattered throughout the united states. are you . all right, mr. symington? we'll wait right here for you, sir!