thought we might a had a runner. a little chase -- that'd been good. but only eight of us were real. you'd chase. you'd love it,. man. it's a beautiful world. bullying the staff again, director anderson? the johnny palmer bust? it was okay. we got our man. now that's a guy who really cares. looks like the old days. we know it can't be a murder -- the precogs would've seen it. why do you insist on coming to these things? this a homicide, doc? bingo. the guy put the gun to his own head. you have good ears for a ghost, doc. can you imagine if this was a homicide? who even knows how to hunt down a killer any more? easy, partner. but you know what i'm saying. the state legislatures are pushing to stop funding for training homicide detectives . it's time to stop coming to these, partner. he was a future murderer. precrime did the job it was supposed to do. you know it. and you believe in it. it's not easy. it beats us down. ellie in there -- no doubt she hates you right now. they hated us when we were regular cops. now we're precrime, and they still hate us. it's one of the little perks of law enforcement nobody knows about. breaking and entering. that'll get you five to ten, hard. what's wrong? paul? you sick? don't give it to me. you probably have that trans-10 virus going around. a stomach thing. i hate stomach things. yeah? sure. right into the ground. go on home before i call infectious control and have them spray you down with something. you want me to do the discs, or hold them for you to review when you get back? call you later. take it easy, all right? no. i can't think of one. maybe justice pollard the precogs are mistaken? no. the precogs are infallible. now look-- he knows precrime, of course. and the streets -- he's rusty, but he'll remember how to work them. it'll come back to him fast. he's . the best. he can't avoid iris identification. every door he opens, every atm he uses, or taxi or transport he boards -- he'll get scanned. it won't take long to find him. paul! there's no motive we were planning a surprise party. it was going to be today. happy birthday, partner. split the units, go to both i'm here. you gotta come in, paul . come in. we'll figure this thing out together. it'll get ugly if you keep running. and your eyes, paul -- every move you make a scanner will pinpoint you for us. fuck you. paul. come in. you're kinds liking this, in a way, aren't you? the action . yeah. you wouldn't shoot a cop would you, paul? paul? paul? they told me to move into paul's office. i said fuck you very much. i don't want to do any of this, lisa. yeah. but if he shoots a cop . which is what he does four days from now, isn't it? i know that. but the other thing i know is -- the precogs are never wrong. he hasn't shown up on one goddamn identiscan in three days. yeah, except for holding a gun to senator malcolm's goddman head in his own goddman house last night, anderson's sitting it out! why hasn't he been scanned? why is he invisible? he's moving around but he isn't being seen. no one beats the scanners. he's done his eyes he went the whole way. the crazy bastard had his eyes removed. new ones sewn in. if you're prepared to go blind, a street surgeon'll juice up the repair cycle. they don't give a fuck about risk. he's going to do what it takes to stay free -- if it blinds him, maims him, or kills him. what is it? what? where is he? he had to have. this is ridiculous. if he wants to get to me, he'll get to me. explanation, please! why didn't the precogs know he was coming to do this? the next time he shows up it'll be to kill me. you won't, huh? when can we get these things operational? these two are all i have to find the man who is about to murder me. hook them up, and flood them with whatever kind of fucking chemicals you have to. they are a machine, and i need that machine at my disposal. page worshipped the system. he fell apart. shot himself. a fake. bypass the precogs and slip a fake disc in with that day's real ones. it's gone too far, lisa she shakes her head, shocked at his response who wants us out? of what picture? ennis page was murdered last night. everything points to paul. i think he is. a murderer . and a future murderer. lisa. what does it matter that the first disc is a fake . if the second one's real? the event. the event is inevitable, lieutenant. the precogs are never wrong. the event will take place. i'm a believer. aren't you? you see, if you think you can put me on a hovercraft and save me, then you don't believe in the infallibility of the precog system. and what i do not want around me, are nonbelievers. things quiet? there's been a development. a body's been found in the sprawl. they're checking it out. i need to see what the precogs have seen. borrowed this from the technicians' lounge. you don't think they'll mind, do you? no, no. this is exactly where i should be. and tv's so good for that -- soothes the mind. bring me up to speed, doc. and that's because . ? do you think they know where anderson is? they know how to find anderson for me. they're the perfect machine, doctor. you just have to know which button to push. is he coming? no? yes? maybe? i think yes. and you think yes. infallibly, immutably yes. i figured, since i can see the future, too, maybe i could get a little disc action going. just kidding. you find you been doing that a lot this week? looking at clocks? three minutes to go. there. that's the old paul. you lost it. you went weak in the knees, partner. the air went out of you when frank d'ignazio killed himself. no you didn't. the doubts were creeping in on you. the lab trying to engineer more precogs . malcolm pressuring you to expand . belief is the basis of the system. it was your job to be the ultimate believer. and when frank died, you faltered. i'm a cop, i see into the hearts of men. and the thing about you is, you wouldn't have just walked away. precrime needs to grow. you would have stood in its way. the security panel wouldn't have understood that. what you're capable of. what a bulldog you are. look what you've been doing to us all week. amazing. you're the best. i understood the threat. i understood wrong. this lab will make more. believe it, paul. you sonofabitch! you didn't bring your gun! you see?! that's exactly what i'm talking about. you don't believe! the system is infallible. i guess that's why i've always carried two. pick it up you're killing him, partner. now do you believe?