doctor. will my girl be all right? is there nothing we should do? hush. don't you cry now, you've been trouble enough. call it acute congestion, indeed, i don't see what's so cute about a con- gestion, just because it's yours? we'll have your father run an editorial in his paper, the wonders of modern medicine, they don't know what they're curing even when they cure it. men, men and their battle scars, we women will have to -- helen, helen captain, captain, will you come. look. she can't hear youl as long as there's the least chance. for her to see. or hear, or -- i think, with your permission, captain, i'd like to write to the perkins school. we won't know that; to be a fact, captain, until afller you write. 13. helen now is groping among thing.' on fell er t s desk, and what? do you dare? complain of what 0 you can see? eyes? helen nods energetically. she wants the doll to have eyes. another kind of silence now, while kate takes pins and buttons from the sewing basket and attaches them to the doll as eyes. keller stands, caught, and watches morosely, aunt ev blinks and conceals her emotion by inspecting her dress. she doesn't know better, aunt ev. i'll sew them on again. helen, helen, you're not to do such things, how can i make you how can i get it into your head, my darling, my poor -- then whose? i don't know what to dot how can i teach her, beat her -- until she's black and blue? where, in a cage? she's a growing child, she has to use her limbs! she wants to talk, like -- be like you and me. she holds helen struggling until we hear from the child her first sound so far, an inarticulate weird noise in her throat such as an animal in a trap might make; and kate releases her. the second she is free, helen blunders away collides violently with a chair, falls, and sits weeping. kate comes to her, embraces, caresses, soothes her, and buries her own face in her hair, until she can control her voice.