i'll see you to your buggy, doctor. katie, what's wrong? helen. heleni there isntt. now i must finish here. i said no, katie. this discussion is at an end] helen gropes her way with the doll back to aunt ev. the house is at sixes and sevens from morning 'til night over the childl i want some peace here, i don't care how, but one way we won't have it is by rushing up and down the country every time someone hears of a new quack. i'm as sensible to this affliction as -- helen! all are in commotion, the baby screams, but helen un- perturbed is lying her doll in its place, kate on her katie. katie, some way of teaching her an iota of discipline has to be i didn't say it was her fault. it's not safe to let her run around loose. now there must be a way of confining her, somehow, so she can't--- answer me one thing, is it fair to mildred here? now what? i'll write to perkins, katie. he stands with the baby in his clasp, staring at helen's head, hanging down on kate's arm.