" . you have reached amy carson. i am not available to take your call. please leave a message and i will get back to you as soon as i can." hi rosa. where are the kids? it's great, you will have to show me how it works! ben, can i talk to you, in private? what is this? i already asked you not to drop by without calling, didn't i? i don't need your calls in the middle of the night. i'm better off without them. i don't want to know, ben. i don't want to hear about it. it's not my problem. you're not my problem. you've done more than enough harm already. we are not talking about people, we're talking about you. how many times did you tell me you were gonna change and nothing happened? it only got worse. i need more time, ben. listen, i will never stop you from seeing your children but we have to set up some rules. look at yourself. you're still carrying around so much of that anger. yes i know, but it's up to you ben. yes, honey. i don't know sweetheart. i don't know. are you ok? what's happening? what are you doing here? listen, i am in the middle of work, i don't really have time now. why do you want to see him? where did you get his driver's license? you are no longer a cop, ben. this isn't your business anymore. there you go. there's your answer. your man committed suicide. i've got to get back to work, ben. they're waiting for me upstairs. are you ok, ben? what's going on? what? come on, ben, what is it you're after? i am not supposed to show you any file. you're not even allowed to be here. i could get fired for this. what is happening to you? what is all this supposed to mean? what is going on, ben? what!? so what? i can't see the difference. it must be an effect of the angle from which the photograph was taken. what is it you are you trying to prove? what? for christ's sake, listen to yourself, ben! what are you talking about? ok. this is way over my head. i don't have time for your barfly theories. you should go home and get some rest. this guy probably just killed himself because he couldn't live with himself anymore. it happens to thousands of people, you know. what is it michael? what is it? did you have a bad dream? where michael? no, michael. look, there's nothing there. it was just a nightmare. it's late, you have to go back to sleep. i'll turn on the night-light, if you want. sure sweetheart. ok, you two go to sleep now. he would never have laid a finger on her. when their father died, ben took care of his sister. angela meant the world to him. no, lately, communication hasn't quite been our strong point. i only found out yesterday that he was staying at his sister's. what are you going to do with him? you know what's gonna happen if you let him go. he won't stop here. i know him, he won't stop until he finds who did this to her. what kind of friend are you? you are using him. he's not a cop anymore. you have to see someone ben. you cannot stay in this situation any longer. you need help, psychological support. why don't you. if you want. come spend a few days at home, with the kids? what do you mean? ben, look at me! i don't want you to get into any trouble. think about daisy and michael. you are not going to solve this case. please, stay out of it. what? who are you talking about? in that case, you have to tell them everything. ben, wait. do you want the cereal in your hot chocolate or in a separate bowl? michael? in the chocolate, please, mom. come on, come on, let's get going, or you're going to be late for school. what is it sweetheart? really, what's his name? does he go to your school? very well. if you don't want to tell me about it. why doesn't he want you to talk about him? is he a grown up? so, he's a little boy your age, then? does he live in our street? is it one of our neighbors? is it your father who told you that? michael, answer me. did your father talk to you about the mirrors? ok. come on, come on guys, let's get our teeth brushed, and our coats on. the first one in the car is the winner. do you mind telling me what the hell you're doing? ben! i want you to stop what you're doing and get out of our house right now. you're scaring the kids acting like this. if you don't leave immediately, i'm going to call the police, ben, and i warn you, you will never see your children again. do you understand what i'm saying? do you realize what you're saying, ben? what is wrong with you? i know that what you're going through isn't easy. angela was a part of our lives too, but you have no right to do this to us. ever since your obsession with these damn mirrors the kids are scared to death. your son has nightmares. he's scared ben. your behavior is starting to rub off on him. he's only 5 years old. and i have to protect him. what are you doing with that gun. put it down, ben. put it down right now! are you crazy ben? have you gone completely mad? see what, ben?! what am i supposed to see ?! get out. now! i don't ever want to see you here again, ben. and i'll have the lawyers make sure the same goes for the kids. you are insane, ben, and dangerous. you've got to get help. come on, come on. let's go. daisy, michael? what are you doing michael? come on, we're going to be late. we can't stay here, we have to leave the house now. we can go to my mother's or to a hotel. what if you don't find her? maybe she doesn't live there anymore? maybe she's really dead. i know. hello? ben. where are you? did you find her? did you talk to. michael? michael!? ben hold on, michael is gone. i don't know, i fell asleep with the kids on the bed and. michael? you stay right here sweetheart, i'm going to look for your brother. stay right here. ben, i have to call you back, i have to find michael. fuck! there is water everywhere. michael? michael? michael?! ben, someone scraped all the mirrors. there is someone in the house. i don't know where he is. i don't see him. i. damn it. michael? daisy. daisy. come here. daisy. daisy. micha. michael?! michael? daisy !? daisy ! oh my god, don't move baby, don't move. don't move sweetheart. it wasn't me daisy, it wasn't me. i would never hurt you, you know that. i don't know where he is. i'm going to take care of you and then we're going to find him. ok but for now, we have to get out of here. yes, he'll be here soon as he can. listen to me carefully daisy. i want you to stay in here and be quiet. you have to be brave, sweetheart. i want you to stay in here and not get out until i come back, no matter what happens. i'm going to find michael. do you hear me? i am so proud of you. don't move. michael ? michael ? michael ! michael ? what are you doing? michael, i want you to drop that knife, do you hear me? you know very well you are not allowed to play with that, don't you? that's a good boy, now give me the knife. michael ! michael ? michael ? michael. michael, look at me. i'm right here. michael, michael. no, no. michael !! nooooo. yes sweetheart, it's over. 96: