you know, mr. carson, when one starts to perceive one's own reflection as a completely separate being, one is suddenly confronted with two entirely separate egos, two entirely separate worlds that can surface at any given moment- a feeling of self-hatred, generally triggered by a psychological shock can split the personality in two, hence creating two or more personalities with distinct memories or behavior patterns within the same individual. the patient then has a faulty perception of the existence of two distinct worlds, which are principally the "real" word, and the world "inside the mirror". in my opinion, he was convinced that he was telling the truth when he claimed he didn't kill his family. i too am convinced that when it happened, terrence was not himself, but rather his double, his mirror image, one might say. these recordings are from terrence's trial. you will find that they speak for themselves. why did you set the department store on fire? what made you think you absolutely had to destroy those mirrors, terrence? what made you want to destroy those mirrors, terrence? for what reason? why would mirrors want to kill your family? didn't do what? who are the others you're talking about? and what happened? tell me about esseker, terrence. who is esseker, terrence?