you know, up to this day, the visions of anna's fits still haunt me at night. i helped my father fix up this part of the basement, especially for her- her fits were too violent. my mother couldn't take her screams anymore. we had every priest, doctor, healer, coming from all over the state, one after the other. but no one could help her. finally, dr. kane from new york answered my parents' cry for help. he rejected the idea of demonic possession, said he didn't believe in it. he was convinced that anna suffered from a rare form of personality disorder. he wanted anna under his care, at st. john's. my parents were very poor, but he agreed to cover all the hospital costs. in less than five months, dr. kane had cured anna. it was unbelievable. she was her old self again. a real miracle of science. you don't know? she died there with all of kane's other patients. you're not a journalist, are you? what do you want? anna came back to live with us for a while. because. because strange things started to happen in the house. no, not with anna. before he died, kane sent us a letter asking us to keep anna away from mirrors and that whatever happens she should be in a place where the mirrors could never find her. to protect us, she left the house and joined the monastic orders, where mirrors are forbidden. st. augustine's monastery, on the road to midwich.