ethan races around the corner onto the embankment. he bursts out of the fog, just in time to see sarah fall to her knees, over golitsyns body. ethan sees the knife in her chest and a prague police boat, siren wailing, arrives at the dock in front of the embassy. the drunken man and woman stop suddenly. a rhythmic crunching sound and from the darkness on the other side of the room, phelps staggers toward him, wet and muddy, his middle a hopelessly bloody mess. he looks like he's dying on his feet. ethan freezes, appalled. it's claire. matthias boots up. there's a little musical noise and the screen brightens. the computer whirs and clicks and a complex list of names, addresses, phone numbers and other personal information scrolls by. but matthias is watching the digital read-out on the rf scanner. ethan waits a moment, then casually walks to the trash can, picks up the disk krieger threw out and brushes it off carefully.