get rid of this scum. we got it. on your feet. walk, just walk. start walking. talking's good, walking's better. if you're gonna do this again claire, it's not gonna be on my watch. jack. yeah, well, jim, fact is i've got more than ninety days leave coming. i thought i'd take some now. oh? what's the problem? tell you what? what problem? i guess. why not? how was chicago? you're going to use walter? isn't he chairing the armed services hearing? he won't be back in a hurry? sure. if the main character does. always. give me the god damn gum. jack? i believe we did have a young man named jack. not a reliable man, as i recall. constantly late or behind in his work. we were forced to tie him to my best stallion and drag him around the barn a few times. higher. higher. right, right. good. jack we're in position. jack. jack. ok. taking golitsyn's exit. jack, open the doors. he's got it. saved your ass again jack. sarah's reconsidering. claire, transport in five minutes. in position. jack open the door, let the package roll. stairway, youre wrapped, go to transport. cut the power. cut the power jack. do you hear me. come on, jack, come on. jack. jack. jim. jim. hes in the open. can you lose him? jim we cant. negative, golitsyns on the move. sarah eye on the package. jim, im coming to you. no, were going to recover the disk, understand?! now move! about two hundred yards from the bridge. jim! claire! central europe. unsecured. bravo echo one one. go secure. theyre dead. my team. claire, jack, even jim - - hannah, maybe, i -- dont know they knew we were coming. golitsyns dead too. the disk is gone. do you read me? the list is in the open! i dont think so. yes. youre in prague? no sir. yeah. yeah. i follow you. you mean i've lost enough agents for one night. who else is left? why was there another team? of imf agents. at the embassy. tonight. let's see if you can follow me around this room. the drunk russians on the embankment at 7 and 8 o'clock. the couple waltzing around me at the embassy at 9 and 11. the waiter behind hannah at the top of the staircase - bowtie, 12 o'clock. the other imf team. you're worried about me. why? the arms dealer. but the list golitsyn stole was a decoy. this whole operation was a molehunt. how about if we just go quietly into the bathroom and i wash your mouth out with soap - you pathetic button down bureaucratic asshole. kitteridge, you've never seen me very upset. job. job 3:14. march fourteen. job 31 march. job three fourteen. job -- it's job! max -- goods tainted. consider extremely hazardous. do not use. fate will be that of kings and counsellors who built for themselves palaces now lying in ruins. must meet to discuss a.s.a.p. what are you doing here?! don't move. you were in the car! shut up! i saw you. you were in the car. don't give me that! i was on the bridge. there was nobody on the bridge. dead. dead. dead! wake up, claire! jim's dead, they're dead. they're all dead! take off your coat. take off your god damn coat! where were you? that was four hours ago! who sent you? did they send you here? did they send you. did they send you? who sent you?! who sent you? i've been disavowed. they think i killed jim and everyone else. somehow a hundred thousand dollars found its way into my parents' bank account. kittridge assumes i'm a mole they've been tracing and i've been in the employ of an arms dealer, max, for the last two years, to get him our noc list. i'm going to get it for him. whoever the mole is, i think goes by the name of job, at least part of the time. 1 can't find him, but if he knows 1 have the noc list, he'll find me. claire, claire, claire, if you're not dead, he's going to assume you're with me. i'm going to answer it. excuse me, could i trouble you for a match? why? i thought i was going to see max. then what am i doing here? i don't communicate very well through a shroud. i'm willing to take the chance. i need one hundred thousand dollars. why not? you gave job a hundred and twenty five thousand. that depends. whether you like a paradox. i want a hundred and fifty thousand dollars. the disk job sold you is worthless. it's bait, part of an internal molehunt. like job? i'm noc. was. now disavowed. that's the question i want to ask job. even so, i'm sure you could arrange an introduction. because i can deliver the actual noc list. the one you have is not only worthless, it's certain to be equipped with a homing device to pinpoint your exact location. okay, boot it up and in anywhere from thirty seconds to ten minutes you're gonna have virginia farm boys hopping around you like jackrabbits. tell you what. how good's the rf scanner you used in the car? okay, use it. but i suggest pack up first. i'd say you've got about two minutes. thanks, max. or is it maxine? what was your deal with job? ten million. ten million in negotiable u.s. treasury certificates, in bearer form, coupons attached. and one more thing -- your personal assurance that job will be at the exchange. how will you make sure job will be there? i'm not being dropped anywhere without my money. i wouldn't dream of it. i deliver the noc list, max delivers job. you're sure about this? we need help, and we don't have time. they have to be local. simple game. four players. exfil opens the pocket -- -- cyber ops lifts the wallet. imf mainframe. in langley. information. profitable. this doesn't sound like the luther stickell i've heard of. what'd they used to call you? the net ranger? phineas phreak? the only man alive who actually hacked nato ghostcom. you don't know what you're missing. this is the mt. everest of hacks. may take a little time. that's not what claire tells me about you. luther, i guess you're all out of excuses. luther, relax, it's worse than you think. the terminal's in black vault lock-down. they missed nothing in that room. even the vents have laser nets over them. inside, there are three countermeasure systems that can only be deactivated by authorized entry. which we won't have. the first system is sound-sensitive, anything above a whisper sets it off. the second system is on the floor and pressure-sensitive -- --and the third detects any increase in temperature. even the body heat of an unauthorized person in the room will trigger it. all three systems are state of the art. may i come in? it's cash. and a second passport. if anything goes wrong when we're inside, if you sense even the slightest deviation don't look over your shoulder, you walk away - you hear me? just walk away. i didn't say that. i just need you to be safe. what about me - jim called an abort - i didn't comply. i lost the team. i just need you to be safe. sorry. we picked up alarms in sectors three, seven, and twelve. what sector's the air conditioning? i gotta go in there and shut it down! do you want to blow the fire through the whole building? let's move! zero body count. time up. 1 - 2 - 3 - toast, toast. luther, i'm going in. don't disappoint me. krieger, from here on in, absolute silence. we're not outta here yet. my contact is extremely shy. don't you mean this? what's the matter, you don't know this trick? where did it go?! it's gone! but not too far! i know what you're thinking, krieger. you're thinking, back in the computer room -- i was up here -- he was down there -- . he was carrying two discs. so hard to keep track of these things. i thought you had it! do you actually think i'd let you have the noc list? we did what we had to do. now i want you to hold onto it. because if you knew what you were getting into, you never would have done it. exactly, that's your job. tomorrow on the train, you can't let this list get out into the open. what's the range of this thing? i'll get you close. kittridge. don't. don't touch me. he's expecting my call. i'm going to the station. and i'm going to call him. i see you've been out visiting the folks. hauling mom off to jail in shackles was an especially nice touch. can i ask you something, kittridge? if you're dealing with someone who's crushed, stabbed, shot and detonated five members of his own imf team, how devastated do you think you're going to make him by marching ma and uncle donald down to the county courthouse? - and picked us up in the states - yeah, smaller countries don't computerize customs records - you knew i liked the rentals at liverpool street. i remember. jim, who do you think you're kidding? a doctor's gotta look at that. you can't sit up straight. kitteridge. oh my god! kittridge is the mole? how did kittridge do it?. why, jim? why? we dont have to, jim. hell come after us. what he didnt get in prague. the noc list. a meeting tomorrow on the tgv, enroute to paris. if i supposedly deliver the noc list to max, max has agreed to deliver job to me. ill have claire and luther stickell with me on the train. marcel krieger will have helicopter transport waiting in paris. jim? youre probably right. once we leave the safehouse, get in there and crash. ill call you from paris. and get a doctor. i sent the message to max. were on for tomorrow. is this the only way? my apologies max. couldnt be helped. theres a piece of black cloth under your seat. tear it away and youll find the disk. it doesnt, dear girl. as long as you tell me where the money is. what about job? kittridge is job. max delivered. how far is he from luther? you are my eyes. stay with him. of course - im sorry to hear you say that claire. before london. but after you took the bible out of the drake hotel in chicago. i knew about jim. youve earned it. tell me something claire, that night in prague, was it you or jim that blew up the car and scattered hannah all over town? arent you going to thank me jim. ten million is better than six. youre wrong about one thing. im not the only one whos seen you alive. jim, its over. claire. hey. claire. i always have, claire. red light, green light. asta lasagna mother fucker. about what? well my mother was a little confused about how the dea could mistake her and uncle donald for a couple of dope smugglers in the florida keys. here's to you, luther. to being off the disavowed list. you're more than that, luther. they were mistaken about you and they're trying to show you they know it. they want you back in. you didn't tell 'em at the debriefing? it's all one big negotiation, isn't it? just don't know why i'd be doing it. he was a good guy for a long, long time. just - not long enough. gotta catch my flight. so. how's it feel being a solid citizen again? well, luther - if it makes you feel any better i'll always think of you that way. no, thank you.