- pull the no2 tank and dump it, it's potential evidence. - right - - don't go too far ahead of me now - it's that time. go. not much luggage. how grateful? on what. how i usually find you, nyah. magic. mmmm. thought you could use a little something to wear. grips her wrist, the flimsy armani dangling in the air. oh, i am. later. leaning on an elbow, looking down. i said you're beautiful, nyah. won't do, love. it's not spring. it's nearly autumn. you're in oz. everything's upside down and backwards here. twenty-four mil. we'll need this at the track. well then. sorted. from her point of view or mine? one considers her timing, of course - getting nicked within a week of the plane going down. suggestive, even borderline suspicious, but hardly conclusive. tell me, hugh. you don't exactly hang on nyah's every word and gesture, do you? fairly ratty nail, that. you're not scrutinizing any casual shrug for some hair-splitting nuance, are you? suppose she is some sort of trojan horse sent in by imf to spy in us, why should i deny myself the pleasure of a ride or two? or don't you think i can learn more from her than she can from me? now hugh, you must realize that some of us have the burden of sex to deal with. and my dear chap. i may or may not know why she thinks she's here, but i'm willing to take the risk, because hugh, i am gaging for it. you won. what made you pick that nag? she'd never won a bloody thing. say no more. i'm off to grab a drink. still favor bellinis? passes by stamp on his way back, hands him the camera. see anything you like? nyah! hold on. what else? your nag is making a run for it on the outside! bloody hell, nyah! you picked another winner! to australia. it's made so many convicts feel at home. here's hoping it does the same for you. then don't say it. to do what? and you're going to have time. there's been a change of plans. yes. we won't be able to have dinner tonight. something's come up. i hope you don't mind. ulrich will be about. he'll look after you. hugh, take care of the nekhorvich memory card. in the envelope in my pocket. my right. jacket. pocket. good. then we go where he'll be, don't we? well done, hugh. well done. if you look at hunt's operational history, he invariably favors misdirection and deception. for a start he won't go into biocyte from the ground where he has to risk confrontation with security. no, hunt will prefer to engage in some sort of acrobatic insanity to enter biocyte somewhere through the atrium where security is minimal. get it. those were two explosions, your van and your safehouse, in case you didn't hear them both -- i believe that means you've also lost a friend. hold your fire, dammit! and you're happy about that? you know, that was the hardest part of having to portray you. grinning like an idiot every fifteen minutes. i knew where it was. stop! put a sock in it! hit that bloody gun and you'll spray the bloody virus all over the place! yep. you've provided us with a golden opportunity to have both the bug and the bug killer. why, you going to make me a better offer? somebody's been slipping you our mail. come on out here, you bad girl. she wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you, hunt. from this moment you're responsible for what happens to her, and if you're looking out for her well-being, i suggest you advise her to pick up the gun and bring it to me. ball's in your court, hunt. what've you got to say? nyah's waiting for your answer. oh, hunt, please! one can't hold nyah responsible for her actions. you know women, mate. like monkeys, they are. won't let go of one branch til they've got a grip on the next. get it, nyah. i'll cover you. you. bitch! feel like pleading for your life? god damn it, nyah! why did you do it? why did you save that bastard? if it'll make you feel any better, you're going to take a lot of aussies with you and make me a lot of money. in just a few hours you can be assured of going down in history as the typhoid mary of oz. g'day. not exactly. wallis? in any case we don't want your cash. stock, mr. mccloy. stock options, to be a little more precise. - cut her loose. right in the center of town. the more crowded the better. how quickly can you manufacture more of the antivirus. good. biocyte stock is just a week or two away from going through the roof. an outbreak of chimera. in downtown sydney for a start. -- now here's the way it's going to work. wallis, the shares outstanding are. which means, mr. mccloy, we have to get our hands on four hundred and eighty thousand options. we'll borrow your thirty million to buy those options. your stock's never sold above thirty-one dollars a share. we'll agree to buy at fifty. sit down. you'll be a billionaire. better than being broke. i've got terrorists and other pharmaceutical companies standing in line. ball's in your court, mr. mccloy. run that bastard down. we're running short on time, mr. mccloy. we've got to conclude our business. follow it. let me know. keep it going. is he alive? bring him to me. what have you got to say for yourself. hunt? any last words? hugh, i'm impressed. you needn't watch. - right. we don't have a lot of time, hunt. whatever you've got to say, say it now. hunt's heading for the bridge. coming in at twelve o'clock high. go ahead. use it hunt. it's not a bad way to go. a lot better than the way that bitch is going to die. hunt. you should have killed me.