you keep staring at that watch as if your life depended on it, doctor. they're ready and waiting. you'll soon be with old friends. sorry it couldn't be under happier circumstances. he was quite a man. did he know before the end you two had succeeded? not in time to save him. you carry them together? safely? you keep calling me dmitri. you really shouldn't. - no. whoaa. you're welcome. if i let you know where i'm going - do you know me? no. you just looked as if you did. oh. well. i think that can be arranged. there's not enough time in the world for any of it to be bad. what if i pay the rent? uh-huh? decisions, decisions. think you're the only one who can pick a lock? i take it you prefer tenors. oh, either way works for me. his ex-wife's bulgari necklace that goes up for auction tuesday. far right. - torque wrench. hey, you put me here. i just do what i'm told. i wouldn't do that. that. well, senor de l'arena the goods news is that the heat sensors were activated. but miss nordoff-hall, my associate - - did feel that she had rather too long to work on the safe before they triggered the alarm, isn't that right miss hall? under the circumstances i think we would recommend re-setting the senors to respond to a lighter load. how do you feel about forty kilos, miss hall? well, senor de l'arena, there's no reason to disrupt your party any longer. we have some further concerns about the disposition of your security guards, which you'll receive in our written report by fax in the morning, hard copy to follow. shall we? at least you walked. wanted to see how good you were. i'm hoping we might work together. working under adverse conditions. highly adverse conditions. you didn't do that badly. not really. i triggered the alarm. hey, the bulgari job last week was flawless. and i've always been partial to pale yellows. hi. would you mind slowing down? pull over and listen to me, will you? just listen. i need your help and i thin you can use mine. scotland yard, interpol, every dutch authority. i can make them go away. i deserved that. slow down, slow down. no! don't look down. just. look at me. that's it. that's it. ethan hunt. more than i thought. care to wait a decent interval? so what've you got against spooks? oh. well. this isn't exactly by the book. they've got a book for everything. not revealing information doesn't necessarily make someone a liar. which is? so where did i got right? i don't know that they 'pinched' it. don't even know that they're blokes. so do i. sort of. of what? damn, you're beautiful. i don't think so. are you gonna be here a while? i'll pick'em up on my way out, okay? sorry i didn't let you know where i was. well. you're sorry and i'm sorry. like what? you gotta be kidding. i'm fine. and you? i'm fine and you're fine. an idea, yeah. like it's a good idea to pick him up in a hurry. and a bad idea to fly him on a commercial carrier. so let's get on with it. he's still in sydney? if he didn't want to go anywhere without me, how did you get him on the flight? slowly looks up at swanbeck. twice. you know we had reservations about each other. isn't it a little late in the day to be asking me that? so there's one thing we know ambrose doesn't. whatever nekhorvich was carrying sean wanted and he wanted to conceal the fact that he took it. sean feels he hasn't done the job unless he leaves a lot of hats on the ground. right now only ambrose knows that. in order to do that, i've got to figure out how he plans to make money with it. 'terrorists?' if that's what you're thinking ambrose would have set up a bidding situation with any number of buyers before he got on the plane. locating him in time to stop something like that - excuse me? and then what? you made it sound as if i was recruiting her for her skills as a thief. she's got no training for this kind of thing. i don't think i can get her to do it. very. yes. they're very nice. five, six-hundred thousand. and six billion in the world. sean ambrose, for one. this wasn't what i had in mind, nyah. go and insinuate yourself back into sean's life. so would i. but it's not mine to give. something like that. you can be a thief and have a conscience. i don't. generally, i don't favor coercing someone. not when there's a chance my life could end up in their hands. can you think of a better one? look, would it make you feel better if i didn't want you to do this? then feel better!. what wouldn't make him suspicious? serious trouble, nyah, is something i can always arrange. this little chip sends a coded signal that can be picked up only by our computer. look, i can't run your arrest in cnn, but i guarantee he's monitoring every law enforcement agency in the world, for what they might be saying about him, if nothing else - he's got the ability and, we assume, the desire to get you out of there. well, i mean it's not a total loss. it is keeping a very capable thief off the street. well, here we go. stop and look for something in you purse. kneel down. - ambrose will have counter-surveillance second to no one's. when and if he contacts you, push this button before you actually end up under his roof it'll scramble your transmission to us. before you are. you don't trust me. he's got you on qantas flight 2735. it's going to be delayed. you'll be fine. i'm going to lose you. well, forewarned is forearmed. and while we're at it, be especially sensitive to any sudden change in ambrose's plans, especially any involving you. put in the coordinates and let's get a visual. the visuals aren't coming up. leans forward as the slender figure grows larger, it's okay. she scrambled the transmission. luther, continue feeding the gps her position. can't we speed this up. we don't know what we've got because we don't know what he's got, where he's got it or what he's doing in sydney with it. a myth. just a myth. shouldn't you be checking out their countersurveillance? or hard wired. not at all. but how about going into town and confirming your intuitions on site? biocyte workers at bruny island. nekhorvich specialized in recombining dna molecules. in the myth, bellerophon killed chimera, a recombinant monster with the head of a lion and the tail of a serpent who plagued the ancient world. i think nekhorvich has created a monster virus in chimera and apparently the means to kill it in bellerophon. why not? luther. get us everything you can on the outbreak of influenza on bruny island last month, including photos of the victims. yeah? i've just rolled up a snowball and tosses it into hell. how's it going? everything okay? just like old times? tell me who you've run into at ambrose's. we know him. he's over your left shoulder, looking right at you as you go on. have you met them? i've no doubt. i'll be damned. it's mccloy, the biocyte yep. bids from possible chimera buyers -- to prove that as of the date on the newspaper those bids are back up by earnest money -- whatever mccloy's looking at, he's not happy about. left jacket pocket? confirm. left jacket pocket. nyah, ambrose is heading back. there's an enveloped inside -- affirmative. betting table twelve off the paddock. nyah, are you up to this? billy, make sure nyah's not followed. you noticed. what're you going to do? spank me? this is going to take a couple of minutes. copy that. who do you like? in the race? i want you out of ambrose's place. i want you out of there. nyah, you've done more than enough. even the best of snake charmers get bit. i want you out of australia! . i don't know how much more plainly i can put it. he's touched your heart. you're overwhelmed. you need to think it over. you'll meet him somewhere in a month. if you're not out in 48 hours i'm coming in and getting you out. give me the ear piece. six hours later. nekhorvich said 'however we travel, i must arrive at my destination within 20 hours hours of departure.' chimera attacking human blood. i don't know, but nekhorvich was not a manic. get me a twenty on nyah. i told her to get outta there. easy, easy, easy, shhh! are you okay? it's going to be okay. nyah, it's very important not do anything to alarm ambrose. no time to explain. you've done well, and we're so close. so close. it's critical that you do whatever ambrose asks. don't worry - it'll be over soon. that's a promise. come on, now off you go! ambrose got bellerophon from nekhorvich on the plane, but he didn't get the chimera virus. i kill chimera at biocyte and he's sitting on a cure without a disease. luther, do you have the building up and running? nyah still on the property? let's start from the inside out. now how to get in there. not going in from the ground. show me the atrium. security? i'm not waiting 48 hours. when we're done at biocyte, if she's not out of ambrose's, i'm going in and getting her out. is poised, upside down, on cable against the sydney skyline. i'm gone. luther, i'm looking at security. hugs the floor just out of sight of the befuddled security guard. working meticulously an a computer monitor. at the control panels for maintaining the virus. and you couldn't walk to tell me about it. fight a bit of a cold. beats fighting the flu, i'm here to tell you. i would've thought the hardest part was exercising restraint. curbing that pressing need of your to get your gun off. you were in such a hurry to knock off that 747, you never figured out where the virus really was. oh. then you knew the only way could smuggle the live virus to the cdc scientists in atlanta was by injecting himself and using his own bloodstream as a petri dish, doing it inside of twenty hours so he could take the anti-virus and still have it be effective. you knew that while you were knocking him off and destroying the very thing you came for. there it is, guys, the last of it. what was the top bid? than thirty-seven million pounds? not really. she doesn't belong here, sean. let her go. thank you. in other words, you're calling her a flake. shocked by nyah's gesture but as she addresses ambrose he resets the 'countdown' on his chronometer to twenty hours. as it drops into the nineteen: what did you think you were doing! - you who don't have a conscience. no. no. we've got 19 hours and 57 minutes before you start killing anybody. i'll get bellerophon into your system by then. just stay alive. i'm not gonna lose you. not yet. we did manage to pull any sensitive equipment and material out of our safehouse wreckage. we think we've got our finger on the buyer. yes, i believe that's right. you mean that leaves miss hall. she sacrificed herself. aren't you even curious? about why she did it? luther?. luther. ninety-seven minutes, twenty-seven seconds. wrong. all we've got to worry about is ambrose. nyah will take care of nyah. unless we dose her with bellerophon on the next ninety-seven minutes, nyah will kill herself. so, first things, first. swanbeck said there's no cash movement from any monitored terrorist accounts. copy that. risky. breached the structure at the ten o'clock grating. in the tunnel moving toward the target. where is she? the clock is ticking. you broke our deal. well, mate, maybe this is one of those times we shouldn't follow orders. the field of fire is too heavy. back off and pinpoint their positions. clear that bridge for me. luther, say again. copy. she's only got twenty-eight minutes left. track ahead and pick her up. you're breaking up. track ahead and pick her up. you've got me on gps. bring her to me. you'd like me to conduct my own debriefing. i'd thank you -- but i'm not sure that was a compliment. yes, i gathered as much. yes. well, bellerophon, it turns out, was only really effective against chimera. by fire. that's the best way, really. no, i don't. but in this case - i do. i don't. no exactly. not sure. some sort of vacation. i'll let you know where i'm going. good job. and thanks. no. should i? no. Let's get lost.